There is a way to turn your money 4 times by purchasing a product using your credit card. If you have a credit card that gives you airline or hotel points, then let's get started. We will use Nouveau Riche's products as an example.
Nouveau Riche's Regents college tuition costs $16,000.00. With it you receive 2 years of education and you may bring a tuition partner for free. First year to take your classes and the second year to repeat them as often as you want.
Second is their home study course. $3500.00. 15 volume set recorded by instructors from the college.
Finally, S.E.E.K. Internet modules to assist you in starting your business. $1695.00.
Total Cost = $21195.00. Ready to rock and increase your benefits by using your credit card.
1. Charge all 3 products to your credit card. You will earn miles or hotel points based on the type of card you have. (Turn #1)
2. Borrow from your 401k and pay off your credit card. Charge yourself a higher interest rate on your 401k. Now you are putting more money back into it. (Turn #2)
3. You can write off the interest you charge yourself at tax time. (Turn # 3)
4. The purchase of NR's products can be a write off at tax time because it is a start up business expense. (Turn #4)
There you have it. 4 easy ways to add more benefits to your life by using your credit card to purchase a product.
Happy Spending and Happy Investing!