Friday, January 30, 2009

Follow The Leader

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Ever play the game follow the leader?

Who do you follow? Do you follow a leader who is successful or do you follow someone who is constantly down and complaining?

Who do you take advice from? A successful leader or your broke neighbor?

Why is it people say you can't do that when other people are making it happen all around you? You are right. You can't do it because you don't know how. Those who make it happen know how because they followed someone who did it before them successfully.

Who do you want to follow?

Do you want to follow those who are not getting anywhere in life because they refuse to grow?


Do you want to start following successful individuals who took it upon themselves to learn so they can pay it forward to others?

Everyone says they want to have more. In order to have more you must follow successful individuals. You must learn what they know. You must get your hands dirty and do the work along side that successful person. This is the best and only way you will learn. Do not expect them to do all the work.

Our leaders in Nouveau Riche came from all walks of life determined to have more and pay it forward because they live in a world of abundance.

Who are you following?


Who Are You?

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Who are you?

Mindset determines the distinction of how you go after something. What you put in your mind usually determines your course down a path to live your life. This also increases your ability to act upon something with a quick response.

There are 3 responses you can give when you are offered something. The three different responses generally come from three different economic categories. The three economic categories are:

  • Poor
  • Middle Class
  • Wealthy

Each economic class has a different response. These three responses are

  • No
  • I'll think about it
  • Yes, I will take unless I change my mind

Can you match the economic class with each response?

Poor people say no because they can't afford it and tend not to change their situation.

Middle class usually say I'll think about it. They wonder whether or not they can afford it or if they have room in their budget.

Wealthy people say Yes, I'll take unless I change my mind. These people have a system in place to say yes, start working on their due diligence about what they are going to purchase and at the same time, put clauses and protection in place if they choose not to go through with the purchase.

It's all about educating yourself and moving forward with how you want to live your life!

Who are you?


$155,000 Profit on a Short Sale

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A fellow investor friend of mine and a partner closed on a short sale and profited $155,000 in the transaction. 1 deal, $155,000 profit. This was in last year's "so called" bad market. As I have said before and continue to say, real estate investing can be done in any market if you know what you are doing.

The seller's house was worth $600,000 and they owed $780,000. They were behind on their payments not knowing what to do. My colleague came in and worked with them and negotiated with the bank to purchase the home for $254,000. They re-sold it right away to another party for $450,000. After all costs and monies owed, they walked away with $155,000 in 1 transaction. They saved the owners credit from having a permanent foreclosure listed on it.

  • Owed $780,000
  • Worth $600,000
  • Purchased for $254,000
  • Sold for $450,000
  • Profited $155,000 :)

I highlight the numbers because people are saying they need more money, well here you go. $155,000 would probably replace yearly incomes for most people. Imagine if you did 2, 4, or only 5 short sales in a year. A lot of people would be living more comfortably.

How did they learn how to do this? Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college and R2E2 home study course. Their education is fantastic.

Are you ready for more money?


Truman Show Society

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Have you seen the movie 'The Truman Show?' The show is about Truman Burbank and how is entire life is a reality T.V. show 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Everyone in his life are actors on the show and products are promoted throughout. People sit in front of the T.V. and follow his life constantly. They are more interested in HIS life than they are in their own lives. Sad but true!

With news coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 800 million T.V. channels offered, it seems a lot of people are living the life of the viewers in the Truman show. People talk about this star and that star as almost if it were their own family because it is constantly in our faces.

In order for massive change to happen in your life and in our country, people need to read more and educate themselves on the finer points of life instead of thinking T.V. has all the answers. Believe me it does not. Have you ever gone long periods of time without T.V.? It is exhilarating.

The greatest minds throughout History never had a television. Those who were and are around during the television era, do not live their life around it. They were and are engaged in free thinking, not letting some people through airwaves influence their thoughts.

The wealthiest people did not and do not have time for an electronic device to influence them. They make connections with people and grow lasting relationships that enrich their lives. A lot of their personal bonds are strong making them personally stronger.

What was the longest time frame you went without the Electronic Income Reducer EIR?
