Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Assist/Guide NOT Help

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Disclaimer: I understand the difference between the two. I'm going to relate the difference mainly using the context of this article in a non-emergency setting. If you are in physical danger, I will help you. This article is based on regular life and business scenarios.

Assist vs. Help. I know, I know...what is the difference. When you look at the definition of help it uses the word assistance. I'm going to put my own spin on the difference and the way I look at the difference between the two.

When I think of the word help, it is telling me to solve a problem. Physically and mentally I have to put full effort into it. It means the person asking for my help wants me to take over the problem and solve it for him/her. To me the person asking for help will not to learn how to solve it, if I have to step in and solve it all on my own.

Imagine if 10 people came to you and asked you to help them solve their top 3 problems. That means you have to take over their problems and get it to a resolution all on your own because they cannot do it. To me, it is saying they want to dump their problems on you or someone else to resolve because they don't want to deal with it any more. They simply will not know in the future how to solve a problem if they dump it on yours or someone else's lap.

The best thing to do is assist or guide them in solving their problem. If you lead a person down the right path so they can see how it is resolved they will learn from example how to do it. You simply cannot help someone with all their problems. The best thing you can do is guide them to the resources that will resolve the issue and support them along the way.

Ex: I remember when a lot of people wanted me to do all work on some of their investment deals when they first got in the business. They were looking to make money, but having me do all the work. Tony, can you do this and that and call this person and call that person. No, I cannot. If I spent all my time helping them by doing all the work, how would they learn. So what I did was I guided them down the path to do the deals by telling them what questions to ask and what information to get so they can go through the experience and learn by doing. As they got the information and relayed it back to me, I analyzed it and we kept moving forward. I didn't spend all my time working the deal myself, but gave them guidance to do it and supported there position.

In a business/investment deal, if I have to do all the work I expect 100% compensation, especially if you dump all the problems on me. If you approach me and say can you assist me with this deal and I will compensate you for it, it tells me you are willing to do the work seeking the proper guidance to close the deal. To me that is the difference. I don't have to put forth all effort in solving all problems, I'm simply guiding someone to a positive end result and they are learning by example.

Remember, a little bit of something is a lot better than a whole lot of nothing!

Happy Assisting!


Personal Growth and Development...

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...implement it in your life or you will not be as successful as you want to be.

If you stay stagnant and do not allow other people to assist in your growth as a person, don't begin to complain about your situation. There are organizations and people out there dedicated and devoted to assisting individuals in their personal development. You can educated yourself all you want in your field, but you need to grow as a person to achieve maximum potential.

I am not an expert on this subject, however I have seen a lot of people (including myself) grow and have more success. We are able to handle and manage stress better, ask the tougher questions, build stronger relationships and live fulfilling lives of love and peace.

No one knows yet the absolute maximum potential of the human mind and we may never know. However, I know my success coaches keep growing by learning from people who have been doing this a lot longer then they have. One of my success coaches told our group that he paid $20,000 to talk to one of his mentors. Not only is he growing himself, but he takes the wisdom given to him and gives it to us and all of his clients.

How can you expect to help someone grow when you don't grow yourself? The more you are willing to invest in yourself, the more you can assist others in their growth when you are called upon. I could never help someone grow in my past until I did it first.

I was putting all effort into one area of my life causing a lot of mental strain for myself. I started reading Self-Help Books, talking to people who have gone through various education seminars for personal growth and development and surrounding myself with highly successful people.

I'm not a preacher, but Personal Growth and Development is essential to not only growing as a human being but in your professional career as well. Believe me, I have seen many people change for the better after they take on this amazing life changing maxim.

Happy PG&D!
