On the flip side, advanced technology could be a detriment to world monetary economies as it will set forth a new precedent of human labor jobs competing with machines that do not need breaks, vacations, sick leave and benefits. With the onset of automated jobs, people will not have the purchasing power to buy what corporations are making that are utilizing the machines that replaced the human labor force.
I see advanced technology not only as the trend, but a trend that should be embraced as it will lead humanity into an era of not needing to compete for jobs to make money to survive. Once sustainable automated systems are in place, people will be free to follow their passion while still having access to everything they need, anything they want and the ability to go anywhere they choose all without cost. This is the meaning of true freedom!!
Advanced technology can move labor jobs from production to repair of the machines, however, we need to address the possibility if not certainty that machines will be advanced enough to repair themselves. Robots can be programmed to repair machines and work mundane jobs that humans no longer want to do.
Technological unemployment is inevitable as it is the wave of the future and an evolutionary stage for humanity. This process is moving forward with great speed and humanity must embrace it. Imagine if you will working on your hobby or passion for the rest of your life. Or, taking six months to learn a skill and afterwards moving to something new all without cost. Advanced technology and automation will make this possible for everyone.
Ideas will no longer be constrained or have to compete due to budgets. Everyone will have access to education that will allow them to be a part of scientific and technological endeavors that will benefit humanity and the planet. Balance and harmony will return between man and Earth as we will intelligently manage our technology and resources that will be equitable to everyone. Most importantly, humanity will be truly free to achieve its highest potential.
We live in a time of tremendous opportunity and we need to take advantage of the resources and technology we have at our disposal to create an existence that is favorable and equitable to everyone while maintaining integrity to the environment...an environment that man needs in order to survive and live optimally.