World Enlightainment Initiative - Celebration & Communication
Humanity needs to live in balance and harmony with Mother Earth. This can be achieved by utilizing the scientific method towards social concern and the intelligent management of Earth's resources. Resource Based Economy
World Enlightainment Initiative - Celebration & Communication
World Enlightainment Initiative - Education
WORLD ENLIGHTAINMENT has been in development by it's founders for over three decades in asking the singular question. How do we make the world better forever for everyone? It is therefore an active and ongoing inquiry but WE will become increasingly public as WE develop out our technologies, systems and people over the next few months, years and decade with an answer to this fundamental question. In simple terms the "initiative" aims to co-create with everyone, a world which is better and better forever for everyone. The creation of a New Optimal World (NOW)
The initiative covers many projects all of which are carefully designed to support World Enlightainment as a context for global transformation, by which we mean a transformation of the way humans beings are "Being" in the World and the transformation of the environment in which they exist, this new environment WE call Optimal New Environment (ONE)
World Enlightainment has developed technologies for providing ACCESS to BEING MOTHER and MOTHERHOOD beyond our normal cognitive everyday understanding of these terms. This is our basis for a transformation of the way human beings are in the world a fundamental shift in BEING from self-ness to otherness based on the distinction of "Being Mother". These technologies are designed to provide actionable access to leadership and the effective exercise of what WE call Global Motherful Leaders as part of a persons natural self-expression regardless of age, sex, creed or colour.
Imagine the world connected as ONE, imagine a world in which people, as part of their natural self expression, undertake the maternal activities of protecting, preserving, nurturing, and nourishing others, while supporting both their individuality and creativity. In essence, a world deeply intent on the welfare of others without exceptions a world treasured and shared fairly by ALL.
WE have declared such a world is possible, and will represent a "GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITY" which WE are committed to co-creating with You. Mother is about creativity and the very act of creation. It is also about nurturing, guiding, and leading. Often mother demonstrates tenacity, protectiveness, preservation and resourcefulness. One of the great lessons of the mother archetype is the process of life and compassion. It is important to create, nurture, empower and release. Within this new "Being" is an measurable increase in both INFLUENCE and FREEDOM.
NOW is your chance to join the inquiry in asking the question what does it take to create a world that is better, better for everyone, forever to join our GLOBAL CELEBRATION and start BUILDING this New Optimal World (ONE).
When asked what inspired us I think WE can only answer LOVE and an growing understanding that SERVICE to others is really the only way. WE seeks to remove the FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) that separates us from our full potential as human beings.
People support the initiative by engaging with us and those already engaged and become a part of the inquiry and the building of NOW. WE' have systems that are designed to reward and support and acknowledge this engagement is many ways. Our basis is supported by Life Long Learning and our M Course. Our Education provides members with the experience of, rather than the conversation about the training, distinctions, skills and habits necessary to reach their fullest potential in the shortest possible time.
(c) 2011-2012 World Enlightainment
Today, everyone is wondering about the state of the economy and whether or not it is going to get better. With on-going job outsourcing, watching the "bottom line", local, state and federal Gov't's in the red causing layoffs by the tens of thousands and advanced technology causing job loss due to automation in the manufacturing and service sectors, where will people get their purchasing power to buy goods and services?
What about inflation and the devaluing of the dollar? This will cause massive ripples throughout the economy leaving many unable to provide the basic needs for their families.
This is not fear-mongering...this is the state of the world we currently live in. The largest factor is going to be technological unemployment. There are many factories today that are run by machines with little to no human labor.
What about the real estate market? So called experts say that the key to economic recovery is in the real estate market, yet prices keep going down with millions more in foreclosures on the way.
What about our corrupt, fraudulent monetary system and the $54 trillion in combined personal and Gov’t debt? Will the U.S. incorporate massive austerity measures on its’ citizenry to pay back the debt owed or try to spend their way out of it?
What about the derivatives debt over one quadrillion dollars? Who will pay this off?
What about all the mortgage fraud and the fraudulent loans given out by The Federal Reserve?
Where does The Federal Reserve get their money to loan?
Have you worked your entire life and ever asked how money is created and how the money supply is expanded?
These are questions that need to be asked and answered. I host discussions on economy and the monetary system. I’m a speaker, writer, researcher, educator and life-long learner. I have been researching how the monetary system works over the past two and a half years. I know and understand how the game works and is played. Speaking about this topic in Daley Plaza, Chicago was received with open arms and a commitment for me to continue to spread this information.
If you are interested in learning more, you are invited to my discussions or I will speak to groups thatWE can organize together. It is time for answers and possible solutions as we cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
As its basis World Enlightainment ~ WE has developed technologies for providing access to the being of "Being Mother" and Motherhood beyond our normal cognitive everyday understanding of these terms.
This is the basis for a transformation of the way human beings are in the world, a fundamental shift in being from self-ness to other-ness, I-llness to WE-llness based on the distinction of "Being Mother".
Imagine the world connected as one, imagine a world (which you co-create) in which people, as part of their natural self expression, undertake the maternal activities of Protecting, Preserving, Nurturing, and Nourishing others, while supporting both their own individuality and creativity. In essence, a world deeply intent on the welfare of others and that of our planet without exceptions, a world treasured and shared fairly by all.
WE have declared such a world is possible, and will represent a "Global Transformation of Humanity" which World Enlightainment are committed to co-creating with you. Mother is about creativity and the very act of creation. It is also about nurturing, guiding, and leading. Often mother demonstrates tenacity, protectiveness, preservation and resourcefulness. One of the great lessons of the mother archetype is the process of life itself and the importance of compassion.
This new "being-ness" provides a real and measurable increase in both individual influence and freedom, inspired by love and a growing understanding that service to others is really the only way forward.
A "mother" does not become motherful overnight therefore having operational distinctions around "being mother" as distinguished in the M Course is important.
These operational distinctions are the training guidelines used to support wholesome motherful behavior through ethical commitment. There are eight operational distinctions.
With our monetary system on life support, the need to incorporate sustainable systems should be our first priority. Once in place, the need for money will no longer be necessary. Since the inception of The Federal Reserve, the value of dollar has declined 96%. With the reckless amount of spending going on, it will not be long until the value of the U.S. dollar is worthless.
“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value ---- zero.” Voltaire
We can invest our money wisely now into building an infrastructure of sustainable technologies that will render money worthless and create true abundance for every man, woman and child on this planet. This technology exists but is suppressed by the powers that be. People do not need access to money, we need access to resources.
If money were to disappear tomorrow, as long as we have arable land, factories and technology, everything will be ok…probably better if we manage our new way of existing more intelligently. During the Great Depression, products still existed, but people did not have access to money. At the start of WWII, the U.S. did not have the money to go to war, but what she did have was the resources. Amazing how war always seems to attract money.
“War is a Racket” – General Smedley Butler
Money blocks scientific advancements due to budget constraints and politics that’s controlled by those who seek to maintain power. There is an abundance of Wind, Tidal, Wave, Solar and Geothermal Power that can be accessed and implemented as free, clean sustainable energy. There is so much abundance within these mediums alone that they can provide power to everyone for thousands and thousands of years.
People always say it is too expensive or not cost effective. This is the old way of thinking. We need to stop thinking in terms of cost and start asking the question, do we have the resources? Yes we do. Again, ask the question, “Do we have the resources? Not, “How much will it cost?”
Then there is Marko Rodin’s Vortex Based Mathematics and the Rodin Coil. An energy source I suggest everyone looks into. It is too complicated for me to explain in this note but is fascinating. You may not grasp the enormity of it immediately, but it is worth researching. There is a presentation on Youtube of Marko Rodin showing teachers of Math his technology. Well worth watching!
Technology is moving so fast these days, it will make money obsolete. Humanity, NOT money, needs to become the new incentive. In our monetary system, profit comes first and people are secondary. This needs to change immediately if we want to advance to a civilized society.
Other technologies to look into that can transform our world for the better are nanotechnology, maglev trains, robotics, photovoltaics, hydroponic farming & vertical farming and cities in the sea. All of these technologies can make for a sustainable future for humankind when implemented and managed intelligently.
Look into a Resource Based Economy – the intelligent management of Earth’s resources. Also we can implement the application of the scientific method for social concern that will allow the intelligent management of Earth’s resources to become a reality. All we need to do is believe, understand and put it into action.
World Enlightainment ~ WE, is a context for 'Global Transformation' and then creative transfiguration of humankind, as the necessary cause of greater planetary peace, sustainability, social justice and integrity.
WE, will present throughout this decade (2011 - 2020), the worlds' greatest, live global broadcast entertainment events, quarterly technological showcases, education, and visionary thinkers in celebrating our 'Future in Advance'.
Starting with our celebratory kick-off event for this decade, 'The Great Mother Celebration' will be the largest multi-location simultaneous global interactive broadcast, peace and environmental concert & telecast event in human history.
WE creates a movement within which everyone develops the capacity to protect, preserve, nurture and nourish, ourselves, one another and our planet, as part of their natural self-expression, based on life-long learning and our distinction of 'Being Mother' and greater integrity. WE aims to educate and train future Global Motherful Leaders in every area of human endeavour.
Together, WE will co-create and build as a part of our shared limitless future, the new'Motherful Metropolises', towns and villages of the future supporting prosperous, harmonious and cohesive communities, providing safe, healthy and sustainable optimal environments for all. Fully networked and based on sustainable, smart connected, technological and social principles where education and solution sharing along with intelligent designs are central to both the physical architecture and governing principles.
WE will develop and provide to all those participating communication without clutter, the 'ONE system for ALL,' operational anytime, anywhere by anyone, facilitating and celebrating the singular narrative, that is 'Life on Earth.'