Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Exciting News

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I received an email back on the 30th of December, 2008. More exciting news for the Frank Edward Piccolo Foundation. Here are the details:

We have some great things happening with the Frank Edward Piccolo Foundation which will be announced in the upcoming Success from Home magazine. In addition to the work we are currently doing, we are rolling out two new programs of our own designed to promote volunteerism and charitable giving.

In conjunction with the magazine release, we are updating the Foundation website (which is listed in the magazine) to acknowledge and encourage support from the community. One of the new features will be a "donors" page in which we list those individuals, groups and or businesses who have contributed to the Foundation.

If you would like to donate please visit www.frankedwardpiccolo.org or email info@FrankEdwardPiccolo.org for additional information

Thank you!


Nouveau Riche was featured in Success, Success from Home, and Your Business At Home magazines in 2008. We are helping communities and changing lives!

Which magazines was your business featured in last year? We love to hear about your inspiring success stories!

Support your communities!


Microwave Society

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I remember my friend Brandon talking about how a lot of people are living in a microwave society in many areas of their life. What does this equate to you ask?

People want instant gratification! I want it now!

How many of you have stopped the microwave before it hit Zero?

Are we being conditioned by our culture to wanting or needing it now?

I believe this is a major reason why people are saying the economy is bad regarding money and finances. Society is caught in the grip of buy this and that now, SO it will make you feel better about yourself and your situation.

Well, look at all the consumer debt. Credit cards, HELOCS to buy toys, Borrowing money for materialistic pleasures to keep up with the Joneses.

What feels better? Instant gratification, feeling good about it at the moment in time (the feeling being temporary) and piling up a lot of debt OR slowly having the things you want over time and being able to have money when you NEED it.

This is why there is no such thing as a 'get rich scheme' involving real estate investing and growing a business. If there was everyone would do it. I have not met anyone who has found the secret formula to 'get rich quick.' Yes, even winning the lottery. They are broke because they spend all of it.

One major reason why I love our business system of "Earn While You Learn" is the fact that you can generate business income while learning to invest in real estate. Over time more Multiple Streams of Income will open up allowing massive opportunity to grow your long term wealth while having the ability to have money now!

When was the last time you let the microwave go to Zero?


Real Estate Is In The News

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Everyone knows Real Estate is constantly in the news. In a so called "great" market from the media establishment, real estate is a great investment. In a so called "bad" market from the media establishment, they ruin opportunity for all who knows real estate is a great investment. As I have said in the past:

Real Estate is the safest and most profitable investment in the history of business and finance!
So why don't more people do it?

My belief is people listen to the media more than they listen to themselves or successful people who have done it before them.

The Bad: Foreclosures, Foreclosures, Foreclosures. You never hear a ton of news when the so called "great" market is in play.

Answer: Learn how invest in Foreclosures from successful people! Even those who have lost their home to foreclosure can still invest in real estate. Believe me, it's possible. In fact a so called "bad" market is the best time to invest. There are so many opportunities out there it is actually ridiculous! Short sales are abundant. REO's are abundant. They are everywhere. Houses for pennies on the dollar.

The Great: What is one of the basic necessities in life?

Answer: Shelter. Population increase, Echo Boomers coming into the market. Not every wants to own, so they rent. There are many great reasons to invest.

In an article written November 1st, 2005 in Business 2.0 Magazine, it discusses the "Next Real Estate Boom." The article talks about the 10 Megapolitans that will be built in a $25 trillion dollar land grab that will dwarf the post WWII build-out.

Read the article here:


Read business and real estate magazines along with listening and learning from the right people and NOT the "in your face 24/7 Doom and Gloom media!"

Who do you take advice from? A successful person or your broke neighbor?

Happy Reading!


Eagles Fly

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My all time favorite singer is Sammy Hagar. If you have "red" previous posts by me you will have "red" that I have seen Sammy Hagar 21 or 22 (I need to look at my stubs) times in concert with and without Van Halen. My favorite of which was seeing him front row for his birthday down in Cabo San Lucas in 2003. I actually saw him and his band perform twice down there that trip. Whoa! Great experience!

I have always wished I could jump up and start flying. I hope some day our brains can tap into this power and go. I would fly to Cabo and pick some real estate like that. Ha!

This is a video of Sammy singing Eagles Fly off of Van Halen's Right Here Right Now Video shot back in the early 90's. I have mentioned in the past and will put it in my last will and testament that I want this video played when everyone gathers to celebrate my life and not mourn my departure....when ever that day will be.




Does anyone know why I put "red" in quotes? 2 reasons.

Thoughts "Do" Become Things

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Soak it in because it is true!

Think about it!

Analyze it in your mind!

Yes! - No! - Maybe?

What do you think?

Need examples? Ok, I will provide some. Ideas change the world!

  • Bill Gates thought of Microsoft. Started out as a thought, now look at the world.
  • Thomas Edison thought of electricity for the masses. He had 10,000 successful failures.
  • The Wright Brothers thought of flying. It became a revolutionary way to travel long distances in short periods of time.
  • Alexander Graham Bell thought of the telephone. Ring-ring, hello I'm 5,000 miles away from you saying hello.
  • James Watt thought of steam power. His idea had a rapid development on unimaginable scales where water power was not available.

The list goes on. Finally:

  • Jim Piccolo thought of college style learning to create real estate investors. Education from practitioners teaching real estate investing and business ownership. Today it is sweeping across the country and changing people's financial lives.

Is it possible for ONE idea to change your financial life?

Think, then act!


Chicago - 1 Day Intensive

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Nouveau Riche's Chicago market is hosting our 1st Real Estate Investing Intensive of the year coming up on Saturday January 31st form 9:00am - 5:00pm located at:

The Wyndham Hotel3000 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532

Do you want top quality real estate investment education? Join us!

Craig Cottrell Instructor and President of The Real Market Experts Franchise, Inc. & Creator of the curriculum for the first college-credited course on financial literacy in the country will be presenting valuable information. Craig is an expert on the principles, processes and tools that focus on raising private capital for real estate. Learn what you can be doing right now during this economy!

Craig has been coming to Chicago for almost 3 years now presenting and educating investors on real estate. As an instructor at Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college, Craig is determined and driven to educate as many people as he can on Financial Literacy, one thing this country severely lacks!!!

Come and listen to some funny stories and have a great time!

During our Intensives, depending on which instructor is available to come out, our students also learn:

· How to develop a millionaire investor's mindset

· The language of real estate investing

· How to avoid the 12 deadly success killers of real estate investing

· How to build and manage teams

· How to find properties

· How to fund property acquisition

· How to fix up and rehab properties

· How to manage properties and your real estate business

· How to tenant properties

· How to sell properties quickly for higher profitability

· Simple strategies to help foster courage in new investors

· Taking the appropriate actions that lead to the desired results

· Building a plan for continuing education and greater sophistication

• Why educated investors are more profitable investors

Note: this is a RSVP only invite. It is free to attend, but you need to contact me to get a ticket.

Learn from the best!


24 - Jack Is Back!

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I'm not a big T.V. watcher but I do love 24. I have been watching 24 since it started in 2001. I remember my brother reading a story about it in Reader's Digest or some other magazine. He told me about the concept of the show and we both thought it would be cool to check out. At the same time, my best friend and my Mom were watching the series premiere as well. After the first episode all 4 of us were hooked.

For those who are not familiar with 24, one season equals one day in the life of CTU agent Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland. Each episode is 1 hour long, comprising of 24 episodes = 24 hours. Jack is either called in or due to circumstances beyond his control, brought back in to thwart off some type of national security threat.

Note: For those who have not watched any seasons, I highly recommend you DO NOT start watching now. Start from Season 1. Jack has gone through many different scenarios over the last 6 seasons involving many different characters. You need to watch from Season 1 to understand the relationships between the characters and were Jack is in his life leading up to this season. For those who have been watching, tighten your seat belt and get ready for another awesome ride!

Every week my brother, myself, and my best friend get together to watch Jack in action. For those who have watched from the beginning, you know how addicting this show is! It has been a ritual from the start for the three of us to get together. We never miss an episode unless on of us is out of town which is rare.

2 hour season premiere tonight and 2 hours tomorrow evening. It has been a long wait considering they didn't show it last year due to the writer's strike. As Jack would say, Damn it!

24 fans are excited for the long anticipated return of Jack Bauer. Here is a link of a speed painting of Jack done by Nico Di Mattia. Nico's artwork is amazing. Enjoy!


Go Jack!
