Friday, December 26, 2008

Nouveau Riche - 2009

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2008 ended with another amazing college with Jim Piccolo hosting over 400 people at his 22,000' abode in Arizona. Students from all over the country received more world premiere real estate investment education from practitioners in the field ending with a celebration with the President and CEO at his home.

2009 is going to be an incredible year for those who are already involved in Nouveau Riche and those who will be joining us! More millionaires will be made!

Here in Chicago we are gearing up for our first "Super Saturday Training" of the year January 17th followed by our first "2 Day Intensive" of the year January 30th and 31st. The 2 Day Intensive will be 1 of 2 before our first college in April. Our Intensives generally attract between 500-800 people each day. All in all, 3 days of training from millionaires in 2 weeks time. I love our opportunity!

The possibilities are endless for the coming year for Nouveau Riche business owners and real estate investors. Right now we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg as Jim continues to provide more ways for students to generate income and learn from the best in the business!

The time is NOW to look at our opportunity knowing where NR is heading for 2009 and beyond. Our leaders are planning and setting in place the possibility for everyone to have anything they want in their life if they take action. YOU deserve this opportunity!

Happy Investing!
