Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is the End of the Monetary System Near?

Re-posted with permission

"The End of the Monetary System is Near"

Have you noticed that when you watch a movie set in the future, you always see one of two scenarios?:

1. One scenario is set in a primitive society where there is extreme human suffering.
2. The other scenario is set in a technology advanced society where machines benefit humanity.

We are standing on a ridge where one of these two reality's are to become our existence.

"You will someday be able to mark August 1st, 2011 as a major shift in the worldwide labor force where the balance between man and machine collide. One of the most prominent electronics manufacturers in China, Foxconn, has announced that they would be increasing their robotic labor force to 1 million. Foxconn is famous for manufacturing Apple’s iPhone and iPad line of products. In just three years the entire manufacturing labor force in China will be able to be replaced with the total of 1,000,000 machines doing human assembly line tasks.

Today will be the shot that every manufacturing worker heard around the world. Human manual labor tasks are now a setting sun on the horizon as the future rises with speed that was predicted to happen much later.

There won’t be health care to pay, there won’t be 401k’s to contribute to, no overtime, no workers compensation, no unemployment to pay, no vacations to deal with and no sick days.Robots will work every single hour of the day, 24 hours a day, no complaints and for years on end." (read article...)

“When the robots start arriving in massive numbers to take half the jobs in America, the effects will be profound. At this moment in history, we are standing right on the edge of the transformation to a robotic nation.” ~Marshall Brain

The problem is that these systems will also eliminate jobs in massive numbers. In fact, we are about to see a seismic shift in the workforce around the world. As a society, we have no way to understand or handle the level of unemployment that we will see in our collective economy. Technology will eventually do away with jobs that enable people to buy the goods turned out.

As unemployment rises; people will turn to their governments but there will be no answers. Unfortunately, it may take an economic breakdown and people becoming disillusioned with their leaders before they will seek an alternative social direction and solution.

The solution is very feasible and can happen literally overnight if enough people support it. It is set-up in every detail and ready to go, right now. All that is needed is for enough people to be aware of it and want it, hence this website.

To finish reading this article, follow this link.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Disclaimer: I am not a professional relationship coach. These are some of my views in achieving balance and harmony in relationships.

Everyone can create a new space to allow for a relationship to grow. Once a relationship has started, endless growth can occur if both parties are willing to communicate not only verbally, but mentally and physically. There is no reason for one person to try and change another, but people can adapt into a way of being that is in align with their partner and accept them for who they are unconditionally.

Here are some positive attributes people can consider when entering into a relationship:

  • Share interests - Always be open to sharing your interests with your partner and be open to what they want to share with you. Learning, working together, listening, talking and taking action on your partners interests stimulates a connection that grows stronger with time making your friendship inside the relationship more fruitful.
  • Allow alone time for the other person - As much as you may feel you want to spend every second of the day with the person you cherish, it is always healthy to give them alone time and allow yourself to have alone time as well. Both parties will enter a relationship in which there will be times when they will need to think, read, re-charge, etc. and have their own space. Give and take this opportunity. Plus, it gives you a chance to miss them during this time period.
  • Support each other - Always support your partner by talking, listening, giving advice and reading & researching with them in their endeavors they choose to pursue. This allows you to learn something new as well and in the long run can provide for a better support structure for them coupled with you walking away with a better understanding of what they want to do.
  • Love unconditionally and accept any perceived imperfections - Nobody is perfect. Love them unconditionally and when you accept perceived flaws and imperfections the other may have, then you will have found the perfect person for you. Accept them for who they are and love them for it! Everyone is unique!
  • Treat each other with respect - Be kind, that's it!!
  • Laugh, smile, play and celebrate - Laugh as often as you can. Laughing is not only good for the immune system but it keeps a relationship grounded in fun. A smile also comes along with a laugh. Celebrate each other's accomplishments no matter how small or big they are. Be happy and enjoy! Have fun!!
  • Give and take advice - There is nothing more powerful in a relationship than listening and providing advice. You may not act on the advice but it is always good to have a healthy conversation about issues you feel are important. Don't leave anything off the table. Take your time if you need to during the conversation and always listen.
  • Show compassion and be empathetic - Everybody hurts once in a while. Always provide comfort and support even if you need to stay quiet while the other person expresses their feelings or just needs you by their side. Sometimes peace and quiet is needed while the person needs to be close to you. There are times that closeness without speaking is the best remedy.
Be there for the other person and allow your relationship to grow by considering some of these positive attributes. Live, laugh, love and most importantly respect them for who they are! Again, no one is perfect, but when you love them unconditionally, they are the perfect person for you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Automation and Advanced Technology

As we move forward in time, advanced technology is increasing at a rapid rate. Technology that can open doors to endless possibilities and allow access to many commodities people take for granted, such as clean food, water, shelter, clean energy, non-polluting transportation systems and much more.

On the flip side, advanced technology could be a detriment to world monetary economies as it will set forth a new precedent of human labor jobs competing with machines that do not need breaks, vacations, sick leave and benefits. With the onset of automated jobs, people will not have the purchasing power to buy what corporations are making that are utilizing the machines that replaced the human labor force.

I see advanced technology not only as the trend, but a trend that should be embraced as it will lead humanity into an era of not needing to compete for jobs to make money to survive. Once sustainable automated systems are in place, people will be free to follow their passion while still having access to everything they need, anything they want and the ability to go anywhere they choose all without cost. This is the meaning of true freedom!!

Advanced technology can move labor jobs from production to repair of the machines, however, we need to address the possibility if not certainty that machines will be advanced enough to repair themselves. Robots can be programmed to repair machines and work mundane jobs that humans no longer want to do.

Technological unemployment is inevitable as it is the wave of the future and an evolutionary stage for humanity. This process is moving forward with great speed and humanity must embrace it. Imagine if you will working on your hobby or passion for the rest of your life. Or, taking six months to learn a skill and afterwards moving to something new all without cost. Advanced technology and automation will make this possible for everyone.

Ideas will no longer be constrained or have to compete due to budgets. Everyone will have access to education that will allow them to be a part of scientific and technological endeavors that will benefit humanity and the planet. Balance and harmony will return between man and Earth as we will intelligently manage our technology and resources that will be equitable to everyone. Most importantly, humanity will be truly free to achieve its highest potential.

We live in a time of tremendous opportunity and we need to take advantage of the resources and technology we have at our disposal to create an existence that is favorable and equitable to everyone while maintaining integrity to the environment that man needs in order to survive and live optimally.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Resource Based Economy

Imagine living in a world without politics, war, class warfare, poverty, money, jails, crime, corruption, power & control, and systems, institutions, and establishments that perpetuate social stratification. Although not a utopian society because perfection does not exist and change is constant, such a world can be realized if everyone were to learn, understand, and implement change where humanity and the environment come before profit.

This type of world can exist if a resource based economy (RBE) replaces the monetary system. Once you declare all natural resources of planet Earth common heritage among all humanity, social stratification, wars, and poverty will disappear. Currently, nations go to war for resources and Governments are corrupted by corporations to privatize said resources for profit.

The phrase "resource based economy" was coined by futurist Jacque Fresco who has been working on such a society his entire career. Jacque realizes that.

"if all the money in the world were destroyed, as long as we have sufficient arable land, the factories, the necessary resources, and technical personnel, we could build anything and even supply an abundance."

Money produces scarcity because those who don't have it cannot buy and access basic resources to live. Currently we live in a world where 34,000 children die a day from preventable diseases and starvation due to the lack of access to necessary resources. This is unacceptable due to the fact that Mother Earth is plentiful with resources to provide all her inhabitants. Jacque gives a great example of money vs. resources:

"During the Depression, there were vacuum cleaners in store windows and automobiles in car lots. The Earth was still the same place. There was just no money in people's wallets and very little purchasing power. At the beginning of World War II, the U.S. had about 600 first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short-supply by turning out over 90,000 planes per year. The question at the start of World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was No, we did not have enough money or gold, but we did have more than enough resources. It was the available resources and technical personnel that enabled the U.S. to achieve the production and efficiency required to win the war."

It is access to resources people need, not money. You cannot eat money, shove it in your gas tank to make it run, or drink it for survival. With our financial system in free fall collapse due to its' own short comings, real change is needed and should be demanded. This is not a political movement because politics involves money whether it is capitalism, socialism, communism or the free market system. A resource based economy is about having access to all resources without cost. If we implement the scientific method into society towards social concern we can and will balance and sustain the environment and place people before profit.

Monetary Reform

Monetary reform including going back to the gold standard is not viable. Those who control the quantity of money controls the system. The majority of gold lies in the hands of a few. We would see the same power structure in place no matter what type of monetary reform is brought to the table for debate.

We are witnessing the end of money as technology is advancing rapidly which will allow the issuance of sustainable systems to be put into place giving us access to what we need without cost. You simply need to understand and emabrace this for a better way of being.

There are many groups in existence today who seek a better way of existing on this planet. To understand the inherent corruption of our monetary system and it's control over the masses, including politicians, I suggest you read and watch the following books and documentaries. It is time to be informed and not so opinionated based on what we are told to believe. Start engaging in a growth mindset as this is the path to a higher state of conscious awareness.


The Creature From Jekyll Island (Highly Recommended)

The Ascent of Money

End The Fed

The Moneyless Man

The Best That Money Can’t Buy

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Modern Money Mechanics

Zeitgeist Orientation Guide –


Zeitgeist Addendum

Money as Debt 1 and 2

The Money Masters

Inside Job

Fiat Empire

America: Freedom to Fascism

Monopoly Men

The Ascent of Money

The One Percent

Money, Banking, and The Federal Reserve


Zeigeist Orientation Guide – Youtube

The Secret of Oz

Money is Debt and this perpetual way of being is economic enslavement. There is no better way to say it!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lack of Food and Overpopulation Myths

The topic of there not being enough food in the world today to feed everyone and the overpopulation issue are myths.

We have enough food to feed everyone without any lack whatsoever. People throw away many millions of tons of food every year without hesitation that could go towards feeding those in need. We can have an equitable distribution of food for all when managed properly. A lot of food becomes scarce because a monetary value is given to it. Once a monetary value is placed on resources they instantly become scarce to many people because they cannot afford it.

If we put into place hydroponic and aquaponic farming using water that is desalinated and/or cleaned, distributed by clean energy technology, we can then get food to all corners of the planet. We can also incorporate vertical farming and utilize permaculture as a means to feed humanity. Our present day technology has the means to make this happen.

With regards to the overpopulation issue. We can give every human being a half acre of land on the size of Australia alone. And we can fit everyone in the state of Texas. I think people see over population as an issue because we see millions and millions of people living in condensed ares (big cities) If we spread out and maintain balanced city systems throughout the world, this would mitigate the perception of over population. Also, we can build cities in the sea. Look into it, information is out there.

It is time for everyone to think outside the box.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thoughts from a 12 year old girl on Sustainable, Clean Energy

This comment was written by a 12 year old girl and sent to me by her father. Enjoy!!

"In all truth, all I have to say today is mainly old news. But, if we combine all of this old news with our new and advanced technology, we can build something that will keep our snow pearly, our blue spruces blue, and all the while provide more food and jobs for thousands of people. Not only in America, but also, all over the globe.

We can make many of our products using the perpetual energy sources the earth provides. We've learned that if we just sync up with mother natures cycle, we can do this very cost effectively.

We are not behaving like we know that we are going to run out of coal, fossil fuel, and oil. These things don’t replenish themselves, but we still throw them around and use to much of them. We’re digging our selves in a very deep hole. If we can just put our heads together and use nature’s energy to help stretch what we do have left then we can make it last a whole lot longer and even make the world healthier!" - Katie W. Age 12

She understands!!