Monday, October 13, 2008

Today's Real Estate Market

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This is an extremely hot topic in the news. Everywhere you hear of foreclosures, slow selling or no selling of properties, property values going down and banks going under because of non-performing mortgage notes. Fear is blasted into everyone's face minute-by-minute and a lot of people don't truly understand what is going on. To go into deep detail would take days to write this article and the flesh on my fingertips would wear away to the bone. I'm going to cover 3 topics regarding today's market and how you can profit from it as an investor. They are:

1) Why there are so many foreclosures
2) Why banks are going under
3) How you can benefit/profit as an investor

I was a mortgage broker before I started investing. The mortgage products available to consumers in the sub-prime market were vast based on credit. All the products were 2 and 3 year adjustable rate mortgages (ARM’s). 100% purchase and refinance products were available to people with lower credit scores and no cash reserve requirements. A lot of these consumers had less than perfect credit showing a history of not managing their finances to their best ability. I know some people had divorce issues and job losses, but for the majority, this was not the case. Simply, they over-extended themselves causing financial turmoil in their lives. I’m not going to lay blame on either the consumer or the banks but both are a factor in today’s market.

Why? The banks had mortgage products consumers could not afford long term. However, these products were designed for the consumer to clean up their credit over a 2 or 3 year period, refinance and obtain a better loan product. On the contrary, knowing the consumer they were marketing to with a poor credit history, the banks could capitalize on these consumers over and over again refinancing them into the same product because of their spending habits and mind-set. You could place blame on both. The banks for having products consumers could not afford and consumers for signing on the line knowing they could not handle a mortgage long term. You be the judge, jury and executioner.

Day after day we are hearing of banks closing, changing their charter status, and merging with other banks and financial institutions. Why are all of these banks going under? Answer: Non-performing loans. Lenders package mortgages and sell them in the secondary market. This allows them to borrow more money to make more loans. When the consumer stops paying on the note and goes into default, it is now a non-performing asset to the bank.

How does this affect the bank and why they go under? First, for every dollar a bank brings in from a performing note, they can lend 7 to 10 times that amount. The opposite holds true when they have a defaulted note. For every dollar they have on their books from a non-performing note they must have 7 to 10 times that in liquid reserve. This is when they actually take the home back. If a bank has 10 homes on their books at $200,000 each, they must have $14 million to $20 million in cash reserves. More homes, more reserves. Do the math.

Next, their stock goes down upsetting their shareholders. Shareholders sell and bring down the value of the lending institution. The banks credit rating with the Fed goes down resulting in higher interest rates when they borrow. This ripple effect eventually results in the banks insolvency. Banks are in the lending business and suffer when they have to take back all of these homes.

With the right specialized knowledge, an investor can profit in ANY market condition. Understanding why the banks are suffering allows them more negotiating room for a discounted purchase on a short sale or a real estate owned (REO) property that is on the banks books. What about financing and the credit crunch? Private money is key for investors in today’s market. Outlining the terms and conditions and the return-on-investment (ROI) to your private money source will result in a win-win for both parties. There are other investment strategies you can use in this market to profit such as ‘subject to’ purchases, lease options, and option contracts. The smart investor buys at a wholesale price and not retail. With the banks having so many problems, now is the time to get great discounts on properties.

The right education is needed to invest in real estate. The most important factor in your education is “who” is doing the teaching. I learned from attending Nouveau Riche’s real estate investment college. The educators are practitioners in their area of expertise. They have achieved millionaire status and cannot teach unless they have proven this. The resources provided by Nouveau Riche are priceless.

For more information regarding Nouveau Riche’s education, products and community benefits, please contact me in the Contact Us section of my blog.

Happy Investing!


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