Merriam-Webster defines Motivate as:
1 : something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act
Merriam-Webster defines Inspiration as:
1 a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation b: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
Motivation is a simple stimulus-response emotion. Someone or something gets you excited inside (motivate) and you react in a positive manner. Usually this emotional charge is temporary.
Inspiration goes into your deeper core, your soul. It drives you, moves you, and guides you down the road to not only change yourself but to assist/guide and impact other people's lives for the betterment of man.
For me I love to be inspired. It stays with you, inside you forever. It is an energy that gives you the ability to act on and produce results you never thought were possible. Inspiration is a force beyond words.
I'm inspired to change as many lives as I can financially. Give back to people the opportunity I have been given that has changed my financial life. There are many people not only suffering financially but ARE NOT on any path for retirement.
For those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired are the people who lives are being changed and they are loving every second of it. I'm hearing many stories of people who had lost hope only to find our opportunity that inspired them to take massive action and change their life. Does financial change happen over night? No! Absolutely not. But they see what I saw. Successful people willing to give their time and knowledge to me and others because they live a life of abundance!
Happy Inspiring!
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