Monday, December 8, 2008

Tonight's Chairman's Call - WOW!

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Lines maxed out tonight! 1000 people trying to get on from across the country. Teams needing to 3-way their people on to listen to our Chairmen Jim Piccolo. The operator trying to keep up.

How can you not love and get excited about what is happening in your world? I know I am!

We have events happening from coast to coast. Day after day, week after week, more and more people are looking at our business opportunity. More and more people want to become entrepreneurs.

We are starting to have people who are making upper 6 figure and 7 figure incomes looking at our opportunity because they are being affected in this economy as well. THEY want to be in control of THEIR life. They are fed up with the daily grindstone of working for other people.

Change is now! No longer can these people hope their company will take care of their future, let alone give them job security.

We received something NO OTHER company has received in last 4 months in this country. I wish I could tell you but you had to be on the call. You need to look at our opportunity to know what is about to happen! We are going to continue to revolutionize the education industry for real estate investing and general real estate knowledge.

The time is now for YOU to take a CALL TO ACTION!

Join me tomorrow evening for my group call. Details are on my profile page.

Oh my....Happy Investing!


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