Thursday, January 8, 2009

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One very simple way of becoming successful is by Paying It Forward to other people. By passing wisdom along to others you enrich their lives and more comes back to you. Give and you shall receive! In order for anyone to do this one must engage in and live by the Golden Rule...Live a Life of Abundance.

There is plenty to go around for everyone. You must understand this in order to be successful. If you think a life of scarcity, you will live a life of scarcity. Your brain is trained to live inside certain means and does not know how to think and act differently.

If you think and act a life of abundance you will live a life of abundance & prosperity. You will not be confined to anything, and everything will be possible for you to achieve. By living a life of prosperity allows you to produce amazing results and in return you pass this valuable information on to others further enriching your own life.

It is a wonderful feeling passing along information you know to other people and watching them succeed!

Andrew Carnegie passing along wisdom to Napolean Hill.

Believe in Yourself!


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