Thursday, January 15, 2009

Positive Energy

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What is the opposite of negative? Positive

One definition from Merriam-Webster:

8 a: having a good effect : favorable

This analogy is rarely used in society on a grand scale. There is so much of the opposite coming through the mainstream media causing people to become complacent and worried. Constant bombardment of negativity 24/7 from many news sources is keeping people from achieving their true potential because they beleive in this filtered medium.

Watch the news. The majority of the stories are so negative. Personally I don't know how these desk reporters do this day in and day out. I guess they consider it a job. (no comment)

Solution: Turn off the T.V., read more books, engage in personal growth and development. Learn from successful people and hang around them more. Believe me it rubs off on you and your mind shifts in a different direction. The feeling is so good! I personally have a lot more energy...positive energy!

I'm not saying to give up certain things you love to do. For example I still watch 24, but I engage the majority of my time doing things that assist in my personal and professional growth. That is my value belief.

Start having more positive energy and spread the great news!

Remember, most of the things people worry about never happen.

Are you ready to engage in positive energy and spread the news?


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