Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 Nouveau Riche College Dates

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Here are the dates for this years college sessions for Nouveau Riche.

All session run from Monday thru Saturday.

Week 1. April 6th - 11th

Week 2. July 13th - 18th

Week 3. October 5th - 10th

Week 4. December 14th - 19th

With over 35 classes available to register for, Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college is an experience unlike any other.

To learn more about the college experience, please follow this link.

Please contact me for more details regarding Nouveau Riche's tuition packages.

Silver - 5 days /30 NR hours - 1 Yr to take & repeat - partner attends for free
Gold - 10 days /60 NR hours - 1 Yr to take & repeat - partner attends for free
Regents - 20 days /120 NR hours - 2 Yrs to take & repeat - partner attends for free

College week is a great week not only to learn, but to network with other investors and real estate professionals!


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