Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dependence vs. Independence

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If this is your first exposure to reading my articles, let me re-illustrate these statistics for you.

Today's 65 year olds:

  • 54% are dependent on church, family or government
  • 36% are still working - dependent on someone employing you
  • 5% are dead
  • 4% are financially independent - this is the gov't saying if you earn $34,000/yr. you are financially independent.
  • 1% are wealthy - independence

These statistics are from The Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Dependence is relying on our government, church and family to take care of us. Dependence is also relying on being employed by someone else. This aspect alone raises your stress level of dependence because NOW you are relying on a secure job, with great benefits, retirement funds in which someone else is investing your money in areas in which they have no control over and making sure the bills are paid without over extending yourself on the income limit you have. You need to take a breath now, right? Same as working for someone else...exhausting.

Independence is the opposite of everything I described above. You have control over your time, your investments, your job in your business (hopefully CEO or President), you have better tax advantages and you call the shots. This is the promotion of what our fore fathers visioned for people living in our country.

Read the two paragraphs again. It's harder on the eyes and mind reading the first paragraph. The second paragraph flows nice with positive words. Positive words read easier than negative words.

Again, for those who are seeing these statistics for the first time, the 1% wealthy: 74% of that 1% are business owners and real estate investors!

What are you relying on? If you want change, what are you willing to do?


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