Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Economy - A Perspective

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I continue to be amazed by the mentality towards our economy. Everyone declares it is horrible. Our nation is in a financial crisis. We are in a recession. The Global Economy is suffering. Consumers are not spending. And so on.

Next consumers COMPLAIN athlete's and entertainers are paid too much...especially the athlete's.

Do you know why this is?

Consumers KEEP spending their money buying tickets, merchandise, CD's, DVD's, bigger T.V.'s, food at the venue, and everything & anything associated with sports and entertainment.

Do you see the paradox?

Maybe consumers should stop spending their money on these things or stop complaining. Maybe consumers should spend their money wisely in order to get ahead then go back to spending on these fun activities.

The saying goes: Business before pleasure.

Just one thought...


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