Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thoughts "Do" Become Things

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Soak it in because it is true!

Think about it!

Analyze it in your mind!

Yes! - No! - Maybe?

What do you think?

Need examples? Ok, I will provide some. Ideas change the world!

  • Bill Gates thought of Microsoft. Started out as a thought, now look at the world.
  • Thomas Edison thought of electricity for the masses. He had 10,000 successful failures.
  • The Wright Brothers thought of flying. It became a revolutionary way to travel long distances in short periods of time.
  • Alexander Graham Bell thought of the telephone. Ring-ring, hello I'm 5,000 miles away from you saying hello.
  • James Watt thought of steam power. His idea had a rapid development on unimaginable scales where water power was not available.

The list goes on. Finally:

  • Jim Piccolo thought of college style learning to create real estate investors. Education from practitioners teaching real estate investing and business ownership. Today it is sweeping across the country and changing people's financial lives.

Is it possible for ONE idea to change your financial life?

Think, then act!


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