Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cheering or Playing?

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People cheer on their sports teams, athletes, movie stars, singers, and other types of entertainers all the time. They sit in the crowd yelling and screaming their favorites to victory. Rah! Rah! Go! Go! Yes, we did it. WE WON!.......Screeeeeeeech!!!!!!! Halt. Stop. Wait a minute.

What do you mean, we won?

You didn't win anything. All you did is cheer others on and they won. They did it. They put in the time to practice, to learn, doing the hard work. They are in the game winning, not you. They chose to step out on the court, live their life on their terms, working hard, taking on adversity and negativity and turning it into inspiration that drives them even harder to succeed.
How about your life? Are you in the stands cheering on others or are you on the court playing your game that leads to success?

Day after day I see people cheering on their favorite teams and idols, yet they are unhappy or complaining about their personal situation. I hear people's words: I hope the Bears win today. Go Bears!, Then I hear, I have no time, I have no money. I have no this or that.

Why are you cheering for others, when you cannot cheer on yourself?

Are we taught to cheer for others and not for ourselves?

Are we supposed to cheer for others and not ourselves as a "so called" rule of society?

I'm all for cheering on my favorite teams and entertainers, yet I cheer on myself to victory. I play on the court as well as sit in the stands and cheer. You can do both you know. There is no crime in wanting things in life that you know you deserve.

If you are not willing to step on the court and play the game of life and willing to do what it takes to live the life you want, then don't complain. Accept the fact that you are willing not to change and go with the flow. Live your life, but don't complain if you are not willing to make certain changes needed to live how you want to live.

It seems complaining has become the norm in our society. Not me. No way. It is a tremendous waste of time and energy. Cheer yourself to victory! Believe in yourself and find others who beleive in you as well. Doing this is a tremendous source of inspiration!

I beleive in you!


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