Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Rich: A Few Words

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Nouveau Riche is French for the New Rich for those who are not aware.

The New Rich is not all about money, its about becoming consciously aware, being educated by the right people, creating success, giving back, thwarting the old ways and sticking a 5 inch hypodermic needle of pure adrenaline into the heart of our National economy and reviving it.

There is no hiding the fact everyone needs money, remember money is simply a by-product of controlling systems and assets. As long as we have the monetary system and the fractional banking system...leaving us in terminal debt, money is needed.

Change first! Be Do Have

One of our most influential mentors and Master Entrepreneur, Jim Piccolo, strongly believes that "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." Mr. Piccolo delves into the rich history of our country and the bold movements of our forefathers who were motivated by their desire of freedom, a freedom they were willing to die for. Fighting to maintain our freedom, our ancestors learned early on that by joining together we could overcome even the strongest of foe. During the Gold Rush, our ancestors knew what it took to survive in the face of extreme hardship. In the Industrial Age, great entrepreneurs such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford recognized and acted on opportunity, as business owners to make our country strong. Today, over two centuries later, we ponder what has happened to America, "the land of the free and the home of the brave?" Well, take a look around...our people are not looking so brave anymore...and most are complaining about the current status of our economy.

He goes on to say,

LISTEN! It's time to get mad and make a change!!! It's time to take back our financial freedom and make this country strong again! Building a strong country starts with building stronger starts with YOU! "Business ownership is the solution in this country," -Piccolo.

In order to be successful you need to engage in the activities of the wealthy. Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

Be - Be part of the solution.

Do - Do what the wealthy do.

Have - Have what you want in life.

Rather simple formula!

Live Strong!


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