I first saw Nouveau Riche's presentation in March 2006. At the time NR was still relatively small with a presentation size of 35 people when I first looked at it. We now have 7 weekly presentations in various parts of the Chicagoland area. It has grown very fast and has changed many lives.
Over the past 3 years I have been witness to people saying "No", or this does not work, or it is a scam. Those same people who made these remarks are now looking at it again because what they are doing is not working and not solving their financial problems.
One of the reasons why they are looking at it again is due to the growth of the community and the results generated. What it took was a core group of people who believed in the system and worked diligently to assist others in changing their financial well-being.
The traditional system of working for someone else is no longer secure and financially working. I have been talking to people who are losing more and more of their retirement accounts in a system that does not care whether you make money or lose it. The system and the people in it make money whether or not you make money or lose money.
I talked to 2 individuals in the past 3 days. One has lost $60,000 and the other has lost $70,000 in their retirement accounts working for someone else.
Currently we have high level executives looking at our Income Opportunity side of Nouveau Riche. Why? They are the next to go from Corporate America to be replaced by someone at half or 2/3 their current salary. In order for business to survive the highest paid always goes first to increase bottom line. These individuals have high incomes that will need to continue to exist in order for them to maintain their current active lifestyles.
With our compensation plan paying 50% and the opportunity to generate $10,000+ per person to refer people to our college to learn from millionaire real estate investors is very appealing to them. As they build up this business income and learn from these investors, they start building cash reserves to invest in real estate or become a money lender.
As we move into Spring and the direction Nouveau Riche is going, more and more lives will change for the better, resulting in less stress, more time, and financial independence/control of their money. The mindset people have about money is the way they live their lives. If you think mediocre, you live mediocre. If you think grand, you do what it takes to live grand!
Eyes on you for change!
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