Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Loss Mitigation Dept.

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The Loss Mitigation department does not make the final say on Short Sales. They work the files for Short Sales. The Board Members have the final say on approval of their assets and liabilities. Don't blame the person on the phone. They are simply doing their job and they have no say in the matter, just simply following procedure.

I know some lenders have tighter guidelines for short sales, but you need to be patient and respect the person working your file. These people are so overwhelmed right now that respect for them is not only deserved but demanded. If you don't have the patience for it, don't work Short Sales.

You can continue to plug away at the banks "pain points" to the person working the file if they are still deciding on whether or not to approve the Short Sale. Do it in a respectful way, this will give you bonus points. Ask them politely to relay the "pain points" to the decision makers.

Be Polite!

Be Patient!

Be Respectful!

Follow-up to see if they need anything!

Don't be rude!

Politeness buys you bonus points, rudeness results in them hanging up the phone on YOU!


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