Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nouveau Riche's Education Vs. The Competition

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We Rule!

Why? We are taught by Millionaire Real Estate Investors and not actors. We don't push anyone to go to the back of the room to buy our products because we have only a few left. Nouveau Riche knows the power of their education and we do not have to do such a silly thing!

Why would any company traveling to a major city with millions of people bring a limited supply of their product? "We only have 50 available, so hurry." There are 1000 people in the room and you only have 50 available?

Second, They teach one strategy to everyone attending. Half the time they are selling you and not teaching you. You purchase the product and go to 'boot camp' and get up sold half the time to another product/boot camp, and so on, until you have spent $40,000+ on feeling good from them enticing you instead of material learned.

Third, there are no local communities established by these people and everyone is left in the dark once they buy. When they call customer service about a question in the material, they get up sold on the phone. "Well, if you want the answer to that, you need to come to this boot camp."

And on and on and on....

NR wants to know if you are interested in investing in real estate and if you keep your options open when it comes to making money. Who does not need more money? If yes, come to a free briefing, if you like what you see, you can attend more local events and meet other people involved in NR to get a feel for what we do.

Once you purchase the education, you are in the system that supports and assists you. We do not up sell you to anything else. We have 3 educational products, an income opportunity for your investments, and the support system in place for you to succeed. All you need to do is take action.

Phil Lecther teaches the 'Negotiations' class at NR's college. He is the son of Sharon Lecther, who co-authored Rich Dad Poor Dad. In class I asked him why he left the RDPD company to come to NR. He gave me a one word answer....Community! The next time I went to college, he saw me in the hall and yelled out my name and came by to say hi. The NR Community is amazing!

I also heard that a competitor sent one of their workers to our college to see what it was like. The worker left the company and joined NR after their experience! I don't feel I need to say anymore about this.

Our EPIC solution - Education - Properties - Income - Community is very powerful. People have been looking for this for a long time. We have it and we would love to see you join us!

More or more of the same?


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