Friday, August 5, 2011

Where is the Economy Going?

Today, everyone is wondering about the state of the economy and whether or not it is going to get better. With on-going job outsourcing, watching the "bottom line", local, state and federal Gov't's in the red causing layoffs by the tens of thousands and advanced technology causing job loss due to automation in the manufacturing and service sectors, where will people get their purchasing power to buy goods and services?

What about inflation and the devaluing of the dollar? This will cause massive ripples throughout the economy leaving many unable to provide the basic needs for their families.

This is not fear-mongering...this is the state of the world we currently live in. The largest factor is going to be technological unemployment. There are many factories today that are run by machines with little to no human labor.

What about the real estate market? So called experts say that the key to economic recovery is in the real estate market, yet prices keep going down with millions more in foreclosures on the way.

What about our corrupt, fraudulent monetary system and the $54 trillion in combined personal and Gov’t debt? Will the U.S. incorporate massive austerity measures on its’ citizenry to pay back the debt owed or try to spend their way out of it?

What about the derivatives debt over one quadrillion dollars? Who will pay this off?

What about all the mortgage fraud and the fraudulent loans given out by The Federal Reserve?

Where does The Federal Reserve get their money to loan?

Have you worked your entire life and ever asked how money is created and how the money supply is expanded?

These are questions that need to be asked and answered. I host discussions on economy and the monetary system. I’m a speaker, writer, researcher, educator and life-long learner. I have been researching how the monetary system works over the past two and a half years. I know and understand how the game works and is played. Speaking about this topic in Daley Plaza, Chicago was received with open arms and a commitment for me to continue to spread this information.

If you are interested in learning more, you are invited to my discussions or I will speak to groups thatWE can organize together. It is time for answers and possible solutions as we cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford

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