World Enlightainment Initiative - Education
WORLD ENLIGHTAINMENT has been in development by it's founders for over three decades in asking the singular question. How do we make the world better forever for everyone? It is therefore an active and ongoing inquiry but WE will become increasingly public as WE develop out our technologies, systems and people over the next few months, years and decade with an answer to this fundamental question. In simple terms the "initiative" aims to co-create with everyone, a world which is better and better forever for everyone. The creation of a New Optimal World (NOW)
The initiative covers many projects all of which are carefully designed to support World Enlightainment as a context for global transformation, by which we mean a transformation of the way humans beings are "Being" in the World and the transformation of the environment in which they exist, this new environment WE call Optimal New Environment (ONE)
World Enlightainment has developed technologies for providing ACCESS to BEING MOTHER and MOTHERHOOD beyond our normal cognitive everyday understanding of these terms. This is our basis for a transformation of the way human beings are in the world a fundamental shift in BEING from self-ness to otherness based on the distinction of "Being Mother". These technologies are designed to provide actionable access to leadership and the effective exercise of what WE call Global Motherful Leaders as part of a persons natural self-expression regardless of age, sex, creed or colour.
Imagine the world connected as ONE, imagine a world in which people, as part of their natural self expression, undertake the maternal activities of protecting, preserving, nurturing, and nourishing others, while supporting both their individuality and creativity. In essence, a world deeply intent on the welfare of others without exceptions a world treasured and shared fairly by ALL.
WE have declared such a world is possible, and will represent a "GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION OF HUMANITY" which WE are committed to co-creating with You. Mother is about creativity and the very act of creation. It is also about nurturing, guiding, and leading. Often mother demonstrates tenacity, protectiveness, preservation and resourcefulness. One of the great lessons of the mother archetype is the process of life and compassion. It is important to create, nurture, empower and release. Within this new "Being" is an measurable increase in both INFLUENCE and FREEDOM.
NOW is your chance to join the inquiry in asking the question what does it take to create a world that is better, better for everyone, forever to join our GLOBAL CELEBRATION and start BUILDING this New Optimal World (ONE).
When asked what inspired us I think WE can only answer LOVE and an growing understanding that SERVICE to others is really the only way. WE seeks to remove the FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) that separates us from our full potential as human beings.
People support the initiative by engaging with us and those already engaged and become a part of the inquiry and the building of NOW. WE' have systems that are designed to reward and support and acknowledge this engagement is many ways. Our basis is supported by Life Long Learning and our M Course. Our Education provides members with the experience of, rather than the conversation about the training, distinctions, skills and habits necessary to reach their fullest potential in the shortest possible time.
(c) 2011-2012 World Enlightainment
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