Friday, August 5, 2011

World Enlightainment - Being Mother

As its basis World Enlightainment ~ WE has developed technologies for providing access to the being of "Being Mother" and Motherhood beyond our normal cognitive everyday understanding of these terms.

This is the basis for a transformation of the way human beings are in the world, a fundamental shift in being from self-ness to other-ness, I-llness to WE-llness based on the distinction of "Being Mother".

Imagine the world connected as one, imagine a world (which you co-create) in which people, as part of their natural self expression, undertake the maternal activities of Protecting, Preserving, Nurturing, and Nourishing others, while supporting both their own individuality and creativity. In essence, a world deeply intent on the welfare of others and that of our planet without exceptions, a world treasured and shared fairly by all.

WE have declared such a world is possible, and will represent a "Global Transformation of Humanity" which World Enlightainment are committed to co-creating with you. Mother is about creativity and the very act of creation. It is also about nurturing, guiding, and leading. Often mother demonstrates tenacity, protectiveness, preservation and resourcefulness. One of the great lessons of the mother archetype is the process of life itself and the importance of compassion.

This new "being-ness" provides a real and measurable increase in both individual influence and freedom, inspired by love and a growing understanding that service to others is really the only way forward.

A "mother" does not become motherful overnight therefore having operational distinctions around "being mother" as distinguished in the M Course is important.

These operational distinctions are the training guidelines used to support wholesome motherful behavior through ethical commitment. There are eight operational distinctions.

  • Generosity - the act of freely giving.
  • Skill – the attitude of abstention from poor habits.
  • Patience – disregarding harm done to you and acceptance of any suffering you experience.
  • Joy – taking joy in acts of great merit (virtue).
  • Calmness – having concentrated focus.
  • Creativity – the act of increasing truth for at least one person without decreasing truth for another.
  • Authenticity – acting in accordance with your speech and speaking truthfully.
  • Wisdom – is knowledge both conventional and ultimate truths. In general wisdom is that which thoroughly discerns the ontological status of the object under analysis.

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