Friday, January 30, 2009

Follow The Leader

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Ever play the game follow the leader?

Who do you follow? Do you follow a leader who is successful or do you follow someone who is constantly down and complaining?

Who do you take advice from? A successful leader or your broke neighbor?

Why is it people say you can't do that when other people are making it happen all around you? You are right. You can't do it because you don't know how. Those who make it happen know how because they followed someone who did it before them successfully.

Who do you want to follow?

Do you want to follow those who are not getting anywhere in life because they refuse to grow?


Do you want to start following successful individuals who took it upon themselves to learn so they can pay it forward to others?

Everyone says they want to have more. In order to have more you must follow successful individuals. You must learn what they know. You must get your hands dirty and do the work along side that successful person. This is the best and only way you will learn. Do not expect them to do all the work.

Our leaders in Nouveau Riche came from all walks of life determined to have more and pay it forward because they live in a world of abundance.

Who are you following?


Who Are You?

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Who are you?

Mindset determines the distinction of how you go after something. What you put in your mind usually determines your course down a path to live your life. This also increases your ability to act upon something with a quick response.

There are 3 responses you can give when you are offered something. The three different responses generally come from three different economic categories. The three economic categories are:

  • Poor
  • Middle Class
  • Wealthy

Each economic class has a different response. These three responses are

  • No
  • I'll think about it
  • Yes, I will take unless I change my mind

Can you match the economic class with each response?

Poor people say no because they can't afford it and tend not to change their situation.

Middle class usually say I'll think about it. They wonder whether or not they can afford it or if they have room in their budget.

Wealthy people say Yes, I'll take unless I change my mind. These people have a system in place to say yes, start working on their due diligence about what they are going to purchase and at the same time, put clauses and protection in place if they choose not to go through with the purchase.

It's all about educating yourself and moving forward with how you want to live your life!

Who are you?


$155,000 Profit on a Short Sale

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A fellow investor friend of mine and a partner closed on a short sale and profited $155,000 in the transaction. 1 deal, $155,000 profit. This was in last year's "so called" bad market. As I have said before and continue to say, real estate investing can be done in any market if you know what you are doing.

The seller's house was worth $600,000 and they owed $780,000. They were behind on their payments not knowing what to do. My colleague came in and worked with them and negotiated with the bank to purchase the home for $254,000. They re-sold it right away to another party for $450,000. After all costs and monies owed, they walked away with $155,000 in 1 transaction. They saved the owners credit from having a permanent foreclosure listed on it.

  • Owed $780,000
  • Worth $600,000
  • Purchased for $254,000
  • Sold for $450,000
  • Profited $155,000 :)

I highlight the numbers because people are saying they need more money, well here you go. $155,000 would probably replace yearly incomes for most people. Imagine if you did 2, 4, or only 5 short sales in a year. A lot of people would be living more comfortably.

How did they learn how to do this? Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college and R2E2 home study course. Their education is fantastic.

Are you ready for more money?


Truman Show Society

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Have you seen the movie 'The Truman Show?' The show is about Truman Burbank and how is entire life is a reality T.V. show 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Everyone in his life are actors on the show and products are promoted throughout. People sit in front of the T.V. and follow his life constantly. They are more interested in HIS life than they are in their own lives. Sad but true!

With news coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 800 million T.V. channels offered, it seems a lot of people are living the life of the viewers in the Truman show. People talk about this star and that star as almost if it were their own family because it is constantly in our faces.

In order for massive change to happen in your life and in our country, people need to read more and educate themselves on the finer points of life instead of thinking T.V. has all the answers. Believe me it does not. Have you ever gone long periods of time without T.V.? It is exhilarating.

The greatest minds throughout History never had a television. Those who were and are around during the television era, do not live their life around it. They were and are engaged in free thinking, not letting some people through airwaves influence their thoughts.

The wealthiest people did not and do not have time for an electronic device to influence them. They make connections with people and grow lasting relationships that enrich their lives. A lot of their personal bonds are strong making them personally stronger.

What was the longest time frame you went without the Electronic Income Reducer EIR?


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Money, Money, Money...Maaaa-ney

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Are you frugal with your money or are you a spender?

Do you flaunt your hard working cash or do you live subtly?

People treat and act upon having money differently based on their values and beliefs. There are millionaires out there that when you look twice, you would not think they were worth 7+ figures. As with everything else in life, there are 2 extremes with having a lot of money, being thrifty and being liberal with your savings.

There is a flip side to both. If you are frugal, you fear the loss of your hard working capital. This includes not donating it to worthy causes, however it is your choice on how you want to control your fortune.

For those who are liberal, they may over extend themselves to the point of no return. This aspect may go along with those who do not know how to manage or invest their money properly.
I found this interesting article in's Money section about people who are millionaires but you would not tell by they way they live their lives...then again who determines this?

Equal balance or favor towards one side of the extremes?


Dependence vs. Independence

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If this is your first exposure to reading my articles, let me re-illustrate these statistics for you.

Today's 65 year olds:

  • 54% are dependent on church, family or government
  • 36% are still working - dependent on someone employing you
  • 5% are dead
  • 4% are financially independent - this is the gov't saying if you earn $34,000/yr. you are financially independent.
  • 1% are wealthy - independence

These statistics are from The Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Dependence is relying on our government, church and family to take care of us. Dependence is also relying on being employed by someone else. This aspect alone raises your stress level of dependence because NOW you are relying on a secure job, with great benefits, retirement funds in which someone else is investing your money in areas in which they have no control over and making sure the bills are paid without over extending yourself on the income limit you have. You need to take a breath now, right? Same as working for someone else...exhausting.

Independence is the opposite of everything I described above. You have control over your time, your investments, your job in your business (hopefully CEO or President), you have better tax advantages and you call the shots. This is the promotion of what our fore fathers visioned for people living in our country.

Read the two paragraphs again. It's harder on the eyes and mind reading the first paragraph. The second paragraph flows nice with positive words. Positive words read easier than negative words.

Again, for those who are seeing these statistics for the first time, the 1% wealthy: 74% of that 1% are business owners and real estate investors!

What are you relying on? If you want change, what are you willing to do?


Real Estate Bouncing Back?

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I have read comments on other peoples blogs about how it could take years for the real estate market to bounce back.

Bounce back to what? Values of a couple years ago? People buying again? More financing available?

Real estate can be purchased for personal residency or investing in any market if you know what you are doing. This is a fantastic market to buy or invest in because everything is so discounted.

- Anyone can purchase a residence for none of their own cash or credit in this market.

- Anyone can also purchase or invest in real estate without tradtional financing in this market.

- Anyone can grow their retirement accounts in this economy via real estate investing in this market.

- Anyone can grow their equity in this market.

Everyone needs to stop relying on appreciation for long term wealth building in real estate. Relying on appreciation alone is speculation. Long term wealth is built through long term buy and hold in which other people are building your equity or you as the personal resident staying in your home for 30 years and not using it as a cash machine.

There are many ways to purchase real estate in today's market. Do not expect instant wealth (unless you inherit it) because it does not happen that way. Do not rely on appreciation alone.

Real Estate bouncing back is in the eye of the beholder. When you know various ways to purchase real estate or invest in it, the market bouncing back is irrelevant because you can still be successful and grow your wealth in any market!

Then again, this is coming from the mind of an investor.


Bait and Switch - Banks

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Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance IS Ignorance.

This is for the first story.

Banks are telling their customers who are seeking a loan modicfication WHO have never missed a payment to stop paying so they can qualify for the loan modicafication.

Excuse Me?


Come again?

You actually stopped paying?


You ruined your credit for no reason right?

Who is the Puppet Master and who is the puppet?

Are you lacking vital information?

If your home cannot sell and you need to stay in it, why would you stop paying?

Am I missing something?

I'm speechless.


Real Estate Investor Code Of Ethics

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Real Estate Investors who are successful and have amassed a nice portfolio followed a "Code of Ethics." The stories you hear of Real Estate Investors going to jail or are in the news for fraud did not follow a "Code of Ethics."

Although there are no established, in writing "Code of Ethics" for Real Estate Investors, the "Code" is very clear. Our "Code" is "Common Sense", eliminating the Deadliest Capital Sin - Greed. Every business needs to make a profit in order to grow but there is no reason to be greedy.

Ex: When closing a Short Sale and selling it off, there is no reason to sell it for FULL fair market value. Leave equity in for the next person and it will sell faster. If a deal is appraised at $175K, you buy it for $100K, sell it for $135K. You make a $35K profit and leave $40K in equity for the buyer. It sells faster and you receive your money quicker. I would rather sell it quick like this example than struggle to sell it at FMV where it will sit longer.

Real Estate Investing is not a get rich quick business! It is long term wealth building! POUND this idea into your head if you need to.

Real Estate Investors have an obligation to be fair and uphold the highest integrity in every transaction. We use disclosures and letters of understanding signed by sellers so they know what is going on in the transaction. Why do it any other way?

Nouveau Riche put together a 50 minute video titled Ethics and Disclosures: The Duty of Fairness and Integrity in Real Estate Transactions. All students MUST view this video prior to registering for classes.

Everyone is talking about the real estate market in a negative way. We FOCUS on being positive. Our education provides us the ability to grow our long term wealth in EVERY market. Up, down, sideways, backwards, in reverse, it does not matter. Successful investors treat it as a business long term and uphold "common sense ethics" and integrity!

You can view a PDF file by following this link:


Are you upholding your Code of Ethics and Integrity?


2009 Nouveau Riche College Dates

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Here are the dates for this years college sessions for Nouveau Riche.

All session run from Monday thru Saturday.

Week 1. April 6th - 11th

Week 2. July 13th - 18th

Week 3. October 5th - 10th

Week 4. December 14th - 19th

With over 35 classes available to register for, Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college is an experience unlike any other.

To learn more about the college experience, please follow this link.

Please contact me for more details regarding Nouveau Riche's tuition packages.

Silver - 5 days /30 NR hours - 1 Yr to take & repeat - partner attends for free
Gold - 10 days /60 NR hours - 1 Yr to take & repeat - partner attends for free
Regents - 20 days /120 NR hours - 2 Yrs to take & repeat - partner attends for free

College week is a great week not only to learn, but to network with other investors and real estate professionals!


Investing vs. Marketing a Home - Agents vs. Investors

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Disclaimer: What you are about to read may cause some to be upset. Yet, I need to distinguish between the two.

There is a big difference between Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Investors. The big difference is Education. I'm not saying they are good or bad, just the education is different. Agents know the market and the trends of the area. The are educated on how to market and sell a home, the facts and figures involved in the home, and where to access information for the local area in which they are going to work, along with other essential information needed to market a house or piece of property.

Real Estate Agents get educated to be licensed to sell homes and represent buyers. During the pre-licensing education, they are not taught in the real estate classes how to work:

  • Short Sales
  • Rehabbing
  • Fix 'n' flips
  • Work wholesale assignments
  • Manage investment properties
  • In depth mortgage financing
  • Foreclosures
  • Purchase Option Contracts
  • Tax Strategies for maximum profit
  • Legal Strategies for investing
  • Using your 401k and IRA's to invest in real estate
  • Buy and Hold Investing - Landlording
  • Introduction to Land Development
  • Lease Options and sandwich leases
  • Managing Property Managers
  • Master Leases
  • Multi-family investing
  • Investing in Tax Lien Certificates
  • Probate Investing
  • 'Subject to' investing

The above mentioned topics are not covered in-depth or at all in Real Estate Classes in which people are going to test for a license to be a Real Estate Agent.

Again, I am pointing out the difference in education between being taught to someone getting their license to MARKET real estate and INVEST in real estate.

This is what makes Nouveau Riche's real estate investment college so unique. NR educates you on the topics listed above and more, so you have the right knowledge when it comes to investing in various aspects of real estate.

Real Estate Agents are great to have on your team and I encourage you to utilize their knowledge!

This post came to light after comments were exchanged on my previous posts regarding Short Sales in which a Realtor was saying what we do is a scam, possibly illegal and unethical.

My rebuttal as always is:

The wealthy write the rules, when you know the rules you can play the game!

Also, I have talked with Real Estate Agents in the Chicago market who have gone through our education and agree.

There is more education in real estate beyond just testing for licensing to market property.

Here's to continued education and growth!


Governemnt Giving Up On Adults - Reality Check

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Jim Piccolo, President and CEO of Nouveau Riche, sat in on the first ever White House Round Table Discussion on Financial Literacy.

The U.S. Government says the best approach for financial literacy starts with teaching children. A great approach. However at the same time, the U.S. Government wants to give up on you, the adults!

Now is the time to take action and make a change. Educate yourself on Financial Literacy. Nouveau Riche has developed the first ever college curriculum style class on Financial Literacy.

This is FACT ladies and gentleman. My 20 year old colleague Kevin, provided this link for everyone to see FACT not FICTION.

Here is a link of Jim Piccolo talking at a Nouveau Riche event.

Are you ready for a personal financial revolution?


The Economy - A Perspective

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I continue to be amazed by the mentality towards our economy. Everyone declares it is horrible. Our nation is in a financial crisis. We are in a recession. The Global Economy is suffering. Consumers are not spending. And so on.

Next consumers COMPLAIN athlete's and entertainers are paid too much...especially the athlete's.

Do you know why this is?

Consumers KEEP spending their money buying tickets, merchandise, CD's, DVD's, bigger T.V.'s, food at the venue, and everything & anything associated with sports and entertainment.

Do you see the paradox?

Maybe consumers should stop spending their money on these things or stop complaining. Maybe consumers should spend their money wisely in order to get ahead then go back to spending on these fun activities.

The saying goes: Business before pleasure.

Just one thought...


Taxes Rule!

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As a business owner you receive many tax breaks and deductions. The IRS tax code favors business owners on their taxes. With 100 tax advantages for business owners and 300 for real estate investors, it makes paying taxes fun.

1. Business owners provide jobs, insurance, income, and other facets for people.

2. Real Estate investors provide shelter for individuals and families.

These 2 things alone give power to the credence of giving those who do own/control businesses and real estate a tax break.

Remember, the best tax advantage for middle-income families is to start a business.

As the business starts generating money, you can put some off to the side and start investing. Now your money is working hard for you. Once this process starts, more opportunities arise as you are able to collateralize gaining more borrowing power. Tax breaks and deductions go along with the growth of your business and investing portfolio.

Taxes are always a rough and tough topic. Usually these words are expressed from those who work for someone else and don't know the power of business ownership and real estate investing.

Take advantage of lowering your tax bracket! Contact me!


Be A Leader

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Give your very best at all times.

When you are ready to give up, don't. Keep going!

When you quit is when you fail.

It will hurt mentally, keep going.

It will hurt emotionally, keep going.

To be a leader, you can't quit.

You have to give your all.

Be a positive influence in people's lives.

Change lives.

Be the leader people are looking for!

Turn followers into leaders!


Property Analysis Wizard (PAW)TM

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Property Analysis Wizard comes FREE when you purchase S.E.E.K. (SUPER ENTREPRENEURIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOWLEDGE)TM.

P.A.W.TM is a powerful real estate investment analytical tool that allows you to:

1) Add new, modify and delete properties in your portfolio

2) Analyze financials for both single-family and multi-units

3) View comparables for a property

4) Determine your acquisition strategy of "Buy-Hold" or "Buy-Sell"

5) Track your property income, expenses and time

6) View property contacts information

7) Prepare a formal Personal Financial Statement

8) Construct offers on properties

9) Prepare legal documents for properties, and

10) Email properties for sale to buyers.

You also get FREE with purchase of S.E.E.K., a computer analysis class at NR's College.

In this property analysis training session, students learn how technology can save time, money, and effort in real estate investing. As they are guided through a step-by-step process of analyzing properties for purchase based on the results achieved from the Property Analysis Wizard (P.A.W.)TMsoftware, students will learn how to determine short-term and long-term strategies for single-family and multi-unit properties. The importance of a power team, how to construct property offers, and how to prepare legal documents for properties will also be covered.

Finally, for FREE when you purchase S.E.E.K., you can attend our Building a RME portfolio class.

Students will learn how to leverage the power of the real estate investing system created by The Real Market Experts (RME), called the Investor ConciergeTM. This class demonstrates ways that students can maximize their experiences with this proven system and how to leverage someone else's time to do much of the work for them. Students learn the ins and outs of using this system and ways to incorporate the real estate education they have learned to build a successful and diversified real estate portfolio in some of the hottest markets in the U.S.

Nouveau Riche has put together an amazing system to assist in your growth as a business owner and real estate investor.

Take advantage today!

Tony Toto


Nouveau Riche

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mortgage Rates 2009 - More Speculation?

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Another blogging day I guess. Sometimes I get in the groove and can't stop. Advertising is what produces business.

Mortgage rates in 2009.

1. We don't know the future. Speculation is what got us here.

2. Inflation - More inflation will not solve inflation. We will see...

3. Recession - Create your own economy and success.

4. Gov't action - Gray area

5. Housing market turmoil - Translation - Opportunity!

6. Lending standards - Depends on who is running the system

7. No rush - Depends on your situation. Do your due diligence.

Watch and monitor the yo-yo string.



Leverage IS Everything

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When it comes to starting and sustaining a business or investing in real estate, Leverage is the most powerful tool used to grow the business and your real estate portfolio. There is no reason to do it alone plus you cannot know the details of every little thing so leveraging others makes sense.

What can be leveraged? OPE - Other People's Everything.

  • Money - Cash, 401k's, IRA's, etc Time
  • Skills - Labor, negotiating, etc
  • Knowledge - I think you know my thoughts by now on this subject
  • Contacts - and contacts of contacts
  • Credit - Bring them in as a partner and give them a percentage of the deal
  • Contracts - due diligence

Have these people in place before you get started, more will come along as you grow. This is also part of building your foundation to get started.

What real estate professionals on your team will you need? Skills & Knowledge

  • Other Real Estate Investors
  • Title Company - One that understands investing closings
  • Attorney's - Choose those who are willing to represent your case in court if need be
  • Hard Money Lenders
  • Private Money Investors
  • Appraisers
  • Financing Professionals
  • Rehab crew
  • Realtors - work with those who are educated in investing. Reduces time

You have so many ways to leverage others. Henry Ford was a master at leveraging everything. He focused on producing results while letting everyone else do the thinking for him.

Leverage is key to continued growth!


Loss Mitigation Dept.

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The Loss Mitigation department does not make the final say on Short Sales. They work the files for Short Sales. The Board Members have the final say on approval of their assets and liabilities. Don't blame the person on the phone. They are simply doing their job and they have no say in the matter, just simply following procedure.

I know some lenders have tighter guidelines for short sales, but you need to be patient and respect the person working your file. These people are so overwhelmed right now that respect for them is not only deserved but demanded. If you don't have the patience for it, don't work Short Sales.

You can continue to plug away at the banks "pain points" to the person working the file if they are still deciding on whether or not to approve the Short Sale. Do it in a respectful way, this will give you bonus points. Ask them politely to relay the "pain points" to the decision makers.

Be Polite!

Be Patient!

Be Respectful!

Follow-up to see if they need anything!

Don't be rude!

Politeness buys you bonus points, rudeness results in them hanging up the phone on YOU!


School of Hard Knocks - I Laugh Out Loud!

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Show me a business without a product and I will show you business that is no longer in business.

I have seen and heard responses in the past from people who would rather spend their money investing in real estate, not knowing what they are doing, than spend it on OUR education first. Guess what? Failure is high! Well educated investors come in and take over these properties from these people who just jumped in.

Later, these same people say, it doesn't work. What?

It's a SCAM. To the uneducated it is.

You can't do that! You are right, you can't do that, but I can because I'm educated on how to do it.

It will never work. No. You will never work for it until you open your mind to different


Would you want your doctor or lawyer to be educated before you see him?

Would you want your architects and engineers to be educated before you walk into a building?

Don't you want to be educated before you invest in real estate?

School of hard knocks or proper education first?


Complacency = Downfall

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Living high on the hog, complacency because everything seems normal, and, either/or lack of education or refusal to further educate yourself in Financial Literacy is what got us to this point. Now, everyone is dependent on a new administration to make changes and fix everything.

Ladies and Gentleman it is very clear what you need to do.

What is the big issue? Our economy.

What drives our economy? Money.

Why are people not interested in learning about Financial Literacy? Complacency (this has to do with money)

What are you going to do now? Educate yourself on money or HOPE someone else will make it work for you so you can become complacent again....until next time.

Do you see the cycle if YOU don't make a change? You choose here.

Do you want a change or hoping it will work out? Again, you choose here.

You can make a change in yourself, as the parties at be make change. Don't just rely on our government and the establishment that is in place. Do something for yourself. Once you do, it gives you more power to do for others.

Stop being complacent and dependent on the establishment and start making changes inside you! Work together instead of relying alone and depending on our government for everything. If you rely on the government for everything, there is no reason to live in a free society and a free market.

Make a change in you!

Are you ready?


They ask, Do 401(k)'s still make sense?

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Yes, if you self-direct it and take control of your own money and finances instead of letting someone else do it. Get a third party administrator to facilitate everything for you. I highly recommend American Pension Services. The Co-Founder/Owner teaches at NR's college. He and his staff are a wealth of knowledge. The IRA Retirement I & II classes at NR's college will blow you away.

Does it amaze you they don't talk about other opportunities for controlling/investing your money in the media?

Not me, they don't want you to know!

Set-up and Retire Smart!


Pay Increase - 2009 - Very Easy

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If you don't like money, need more money or your bank account is full, please don't read. It will be a waste of your time!

I'm sure a lot of you would like to have a pay increase for 2009. There is a very simple way to go about it.

1. Start a business. Business owners receive income, pay for their expenses, then get taxed. Whereas an employee receives income, is taxed right away then pays for their expenses. This is the main difference between a business owner and an employee.

2. Invest in real estate. You should invest in real estate for the deductions alone. There are some awesome tax advantages as well investing in real estate.

The IRS tax code cites 100 tax advantages for business owners and 300 tax advantages for real estate investors. 400 tax advantages for business owners and real estate investors. This is how the wealthy have built their riches. Business ownership and real estate investing. **Remember the wealthy write the rules, when you know the rules you can play the game.***

If you are a 1099 employee there is a form you can fill out to place your money in a S-corp to relieve yourself from double tax through self-employment tax. I'm telling you, need to go through our education, it is so damn powerful!

I love the opportunity to provide insight on what I have learned at our college. Every article I write is the tip of the ice berg and do not have the time to go into great detail about everything. You really need to see it for yourself and you will be in awe and amazed!

Contact me for more details on how to get started with one or all 3 of our educational products to start increasing your pay now and for years to come.

Happy Pay Increase!


Health Savings Accounts - HSA's

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Health Savings Accounts are medical savings accounts that provide tax advantages for Americans. You must be enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDPD) to have an HSA. When you contribute money into your account you are NOT subject to Federal Income Tax.

An advantge to having a HSA is the funds can be rolled over and accumulate if they are not spent. This allows you to grow your account providing more money if you need it for medical reasons because you, the indivdual, owns the account.

Funds from your HSA may be used for qualified medical expenses anytime when needed not having to worry about federal tax liability. If you withdraw your funds for non-medical purposes, then your account is treated like any other IRA. These non-medical withdraws may provide tax advantages if taken after retirement age.

How does this relate to real estate?

HSA's can be self directed and invested in real estate. If you withdraw from the account and put it into real estate you can buy investment property tax deferred. When I was taking Mark Kohler's Tax Class at NR's real estate investment college, he showed us the purchase contract of a house he bought from another investor using his HSA.

Imagine withdrawing $5,000 from your account as earnest money on a property, contracting that property and assigning the contract over to a third party and earning an assignment fee of $10,000. You then put that money back into the HSA, increasing your medical funds. Imagine doing this with an apartment building.

Utilizing the power of an HSA is a fantastic way to grow your personal medical savings account and building funds long term for retirement tax free. Sounds awesome to me! I don't know about you, but I love this stuff and I am glad to have found amazing educators and a system that supports us.

How are your medical savings and retirement accounts doing?


Real Estate Professionals, Our Education = More Business

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Believe it or not!

You are in the real estate business. Investors are in the real estate business. If you learned and applied our education to your real estate deals, more opportunities open up.

As you know, it is a numbers game. Not every deal goes through. Same with us. But further education enhances your ability to close more deals.

We offer 39 classes on various subjects in real estate that can further increase your business.

Imagine if you introduced your clients to Nouveau Riche's education. If they needed a real estate professional in a transaction, do you not think they would call you? They would remember you because you told them about us.

Also, you have the opportunity to build or continue to build your own real estate investing portfolio.

All it takes is action. Don't listen to those who don't take action.

I came from a mortgage background and when I saw this the first time, I was floored by the endless opportunities for real estate professionals and their clients!

Continued growth or the same old situation?


Community Communication & Facebook Friends

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I was asked by a new member of Nouveau Riche where he can find my blog. I gave him my URL for this site. He joined NR a month ago and lives in Hoboken / Jersey City area of N.J.

Here is our communication through Facebook. I'm getting friend requests through Facebook from all over the country. NR is growing fast and a lot of individual lives are being changed for the better!


Hassan: Hi Tony,Where & which websit can I check your blog?

Tony: Hassan,

Go to

I hope you enjoy it.


Hassan: Hi Tony,I don't like it, I love it. Dude you got some serious site there. I really hope that you get some serious response as well. Are you an IT professional. PS.Now I know why your pfrfile pic. is the way it is.I just joined NR a month ago, I've been getting help from various individauls like yourself. I now understand the meaing of NR Community. (I bolded the text)Thanks for your inspiration. Best wishes always.Sincerely, Hassan

Tony: Hassan,

Thank you!

That is what we are here for. To assist others. No reason to do it alone.

I going to use these messages and put it in a blog post tomorrow morning to further show the power of our community.

Direct your prospects to that site or

I will talk to you soon!


Why do it alone?


Nouveau Riche's Education Vs. The Competition

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We Rule!

Why? We are taught by Millionaire Real Estate Investors and not actors. We don't push anyone to go to the back of the room to buy our products because we have only a few left. Nouveau Riche knows the power of their education and we do not have to do such a silly thing!

Why would any company traveling to a major city with millions of people bring a limited supply of their product? "We only have 50 available, so hurry." There are 1000 people in the room and you only have 50 available?

Second, They teach one strategy to everyone attending. Half the time they are selling you and not teaching you. You purchase the product and go to 'boot camp' and get up sold half the time to another product/boot camp, and so on, until you have spent $40,000+ on feeling good from them enticing you instead of material learned.

Third, there are no local communities established by these people and everyone is left in the dark once they buy. When they call customer service about a question in the material, they get up sold on the phone. "Well, if you want the answer to that, you need to come to this boot camp."

And on and on and on....

NR wants to know if you are interested in investing in real estate and if you keep your options open when it comes to making money. Who does not need more money? If yes, come to a free briefing, if you like what you see, you can attend more local events and meet other people involved in NR to get a feel for what we do.

Once you purchase the education, you are in the system that supports and assists you. We do not up sell you to anything else. We have 3 educational products, an income opportunity for your investments, and the support system in place for you to succeed. All you need to do is take action.

Phil Lecther teaches the 'Negotiations' class at NR's college. He is the son of Sharon Lecther, who co-authored Rich Dad Poor Dad. In class I asked him why he left the RDPD company to come to NR. He gave me a one word answer....Community! The next time I went to college, he saw me in the hall and yelled out my name and came by to say hi. The NR Community is amazing!

I also heard that a competitor sent one of their workers to our college to see what it was like. The worker left the company and joined NR after their experience! I don't feel I need to say anymore about this.

Our EPIC solution - Education - Properties - Income - Community is very powerful. People have been looking for this for a long time. We have it and we would love to see you join us!

More or more of the same?


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Will you accept this?

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Living in poorer less enjoyable standards. Myself and others I'm associated with do not.

Do you?

Are you securing your children and grand-children's future?

Will they live with higher standards than you?

Will you be able to support the people you love in the future?

Are you financially on track?

Will your children and grandchildren be happy?

Now is time for change!

For those who are ready for a new and improved you, I'm ready to talk! Contact me.

Happy Future!


Do Yourself a FAVOR - An Experiment

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I would like everyone who reads this post to be part of an experiment.

***This experiment is only for this particular post.***

Once you have read this, I would like for you to invite 5 other people to read this as well. They must read it, even if you have to sit with them in your office or home.

Once your 5 people have read this post, please send me a comment saying it is done. The 5th person is the magic person for all of you.

Please do not cheat. Please be honest and uphold your integrity when doing this experiment.

Once you comment, I will send you a personal message through active rain to tell you the significance of the 5th person.

Ready for fun and excitement?


The Greatest Closing Book of All Time

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Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham can be interpreted as a fable (a story used to enforce a beneficial truth) encouraging adults to try new things in order to gain their benefits.

Try something new. Add on to what you know. If what you are doing is not working, either try something new or add on to what you have by benefiting from others and their powers of leverage.

Remember, in school it is called cheating, in business it is called good business!

Read again and you will understand!



Financially On Track For Retirement?

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Reality Check!

Are you financially on track for retirement? Seriously think about it!

If you wanted to live in retirement for 20 years and have a monthly income of $10,000, you will need $3.5 million saved. This is based on 2005 dollars with average yearly inflation of 3.49% What if you want or need more?

If you are ready for more, fill this out and send it back to me.

Name: ___________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________

What is your #1 priority?
1. Extra Income
2. Financial Freedom
3. Having my own business
4. More time
5. Retirement
6. Helping others
7. Personal development
8. Meeting new people

Why that one?________________________________________________

Why is that important to you?________________________________________________

What are the consequences of not having it? ____________________________________

Does that concern/worry you? Yes No

Do you own any investment properties? Yes No

Do you currently have MSI's? (Multiple streams of income) Yes No

Do you currently have passive income? Yes No

Do you own your own business? Yes No

Are you interested in owning your own business? Yes No

Are you interested in investing in real estate? Yes No

Do you have a plan to be financially free? Yes No

Do you have an IRA /401k retirement plan? Yes No

Do you know how much is in the account & what it is earning? Yes No

Would you like to earn 12-18% on them tax free or
tax deferred backed by real estate? Yes No

Would you like to invest in real estate tax free? Yes No

Is it ok to offer you solutions to choose from? Yes No

Copy and paste and email to

Plan Wisely!


Into The Wild

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Has anyone seen the movie Into The Wild? It is the true story of Christopher McCandless. After graduating from Emory University, he leaves everything behind to venture off to his ultimate destination, Alaska. During his 2 year journey, he encounters people from all walks of life, living on his own terms.

His story can be perceived as one of selfishness, because he does not inform anyone of his departure nor contacts anyone during his journey OR one of self-purpose. A man who wants to experience life, living off the land as our forefathers once did.

The movie is based on the 1996 non-fiction book by the same name authored by Jon Krakauer. You will appreciate the passion Chris has for taking the direction of his life in his own hands. He donates $24,000 to charity (his life savings), cuts up his credit cards, destroys his ID documents and eventually loses his car.

Chris was a man set forth to control his own destiny, not letting anyone else tell him how to live. He didn't want someone else to control the outcome of his life, he did it on his own.
Here is a glimpse of Into The Wild. It is a must see movie, especially if you want to control your own destiny!

Here is to you Chris McCandless / Alexander Supertramp for controlling your own destiny! You deserve the respect for being the ultimate warrior entrepreneur!


Time To Change - Americans Struggling

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Here is an article on Yahoo!News online. More than half of the American population is struggling.

How could this be in the Land of Opportunity? We live in a country where opportunity for unlimited success exists.

Why are so many people struggling to get by? It cannot be lack of opportunity.

Is it time to re-evaluate your life? People were so happy once. Are you on the downside in the life circle?

Where do you want to be? Happy? Healthy? Financially secure?

What is your next move? Change or continue to Accept....

Enjoy....I think?


Here Come The Lawsuits

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Here is a story from's Money section.

I feel this will be going on for quite some time. You?

Fraud, discrimination, predatory lending, dings on your credit, even bad customer service.

As you know, America is the most litigious country in the world. My home state of IL, (last time I heard) is the most litigious state in the country.

It is time for change!

Start taking back your financial life, get educated so you do not fall into a negative statistical category.

I almost ask myself, When will I be listened too? *

*Editor's Note: Listen to what you want, and deserve!

Why do I say this? Because people seem to love negativity more than being positive.

You wonder why the wealthy get wealthier? Financial Literacy and Continued Education!!

I Repeat: Financial Literacy and Continued Education!!



This Vital Information Is Needed....

Subscribe in a reader start and sustain a business. This quality information is for anyone who has a business or wants to start a business. These video modules are recorded by master entrepreneur Jim Piccolo. He owns over 40 successful businesses resulting in mega profits.

***You can never have enough valuable information for your business.***

---Pay attention to the price and the comments I made next to it.---

"Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it. "

***We have spoken to several individuals who have their M.B.A.'s after watching these video modules and they all said there is enough applicable information in this product to start and run a successful business. They also said they would have purchased this instead of spending 2 years sitting in a classroom. I don't know about you, but that says it all.

S.E.E.K. (SUPER ENTREPRENEURIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOWLEDGE)TMLearn how to take back the AMERICAN DREAM and gain your financial stability with S.E.E.K. (Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of Knowledge)TM! Learn vital information for business success from the best-Master Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist Jim Piccolo! Mr. Piccolo has gained national recognition as a member of a recent round table with the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy at our nation's Capital. Through the Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of KnowledgeTM, compiled by a team of select subject matter experts and professional university curriculum designers, Mr. Piccolo shares his vast business expertise and the "Super-Entrepreneur" way to:

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S.E.E.K.TM offers 10 video modules delivered via the Internet with 3 topics/segments per module, for a grand total of 30 INSTRUCTIONAL SEGMENTS! Each segment provides 15-30 minutes of critical information for a total of OVER 10 HOURS of Instruction! Access ALL modules at once and view them at your own pace!











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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Foreclosures for 2008

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My home state of Illinois made the top 10, ranking 9th in the country for states with the most foreclosure filings in 2008. Nearly 100,000 Notice of Defaults (NOD) went out to property owners. This is a 55% increase from 2007 and a 126% increase from 2006.

Nationwide, more than 2.3 million foreclosure filings went out to property owners. California, Florida and Arizona were the top 3 states to have foreclosure filings issued to their property owners. Nationally this is a 81% increase from the 2007 and a 225% increase from 2006.

What does this mean?

It depends on who you are and what you perceive.

To many it means the end of days and we are eternally doomed. For others like myself, it "screams" more opportunity. Opportunity to assist others, provide education to those who want to learn, and turn this foreclosure mess into growth, creating personal success. Also, to provide people with affordable housing because investors know how to buy for pennies on the dollar.

There is no reason to dwell on what has happened. Everyone needs to keep moving forward.

You can sit back and wonder what happened or move on. Now is the time, more than ever, to learn how to make this into a business for yourself resulting in increasing your retirement portfolio.

What is your perception of all these foreclosures?


Pennies on the Dollar

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Everyone! Real Estate is inexpensive these days!

Why do people buy more in a market when prices go up and not when they are as cheap as today?

Answer: Lack of education and FEAR! Fear stems and is brought to you know the answer.

Here is an article from Home sales may be rising, but motivated sellers are asking less.

Treat real estate investing as a business and you will have a better chance of succeeding!

Enjoy the article!


Loss of Control

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Why are people sold on their equity as being a major contributor for their retirement funds? Keep reading.

This seems to apply to those who work for someone else.

Why are people sold on giving their hard earned money to someone else to invest in companies they have no clue about? Loss of control.

This also seems to apply to those who work for someone else.

Do you ask your company's financial planner to look at the strength of the financial's of the companies in which they are going to invest your hard earned money? No? Real Loss of Control

This seems to continue to apply to those who work for someone else.

A lot of people refinanced their homes to pay off debt, extending that debt over 30 years. Yes, they opened up monthly cash, but at the same time they jacked up their credit cards again and they spend that monthly cash because they cannot live without the newest toy. This cannot be denied! This is sold to everyone on a 24/7 basis. It is never ending unless you change your ways! Again, look at the first question I asked.

I'm aware of other reasons - medical, divorce, loss of job.

For those who work for someone else, the trend seems to be that they have NO CONTROL over their hard earned money. They have a higher tax bracket than business owners, they are not educated on controlling their finances, and they think it's cool to have the latest toy to keep up with the status quo.

It is time to start taking control of your financial well being. Start your own business and invest in cash producing assets. These cash producing assets can pay for your liabilities. I must be clear on this: Control yourself and your finances even when you get to this point. You can make a lot and still spend the amount made. You need to control and discipline yourself.

Education is key to being successful!

Do you want to be successful and live like the wealthy do? Contact me!

Control or loss of control...your choice!


Personal Money Management Is Key

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Hopefully (Con)gress can turn into (Pro)gress!

They are at it again. Talking about how to save homes and provide relief to homeowners. Congress is seeking more aggressive tactics to make this happen.


Here is another concern to consider....

If they allow homeowners to receive relief from their ARM's, Balloons, and Neg Am loans, the consumer still needs to manage their money so they will not fall behind again on their mortgage.

Consumers have so much personal debt that America has not been this broke since the Great Depression. Credit cards are maxed out and a lot of people spend their money on things they do not need or cannot truly afford.

Here is a link to an article written today.

Coming from a mortgage background, I have said in the past that you cannot only blame the banks. Consumers need to know their limits and live by them instead of constantly living beyond their means to keep up with the status quo.

Manage Wisely!


CEO's next to go - I told you so

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In one of my previous articles - Eyes On Our Income Opportunity - I mentioned that high level executives were the next to lose their jobs. Shareholders want results and they are demanding change.

These high level executives are starting to look at Nouveau Riche's opportunity because it has the potential of replacing their income and will provide them more time with their families.

Here is a link to a story in the Money section of MSN's web page.

This is a snippet from the article.

The bottom line is that investors want results. In good times, they're happy to reward CEOs with bonuses and other perks for a job well done. In bad times, they want the CEO to answer for what went wrong.

To me this represents the mindset of Instant Gratification from the shareholders. If they aren't instantly happy, they go in an uproar, calling for the head of the company to resign. There seems to be no thought of building long term wealth.

At the same time, spend, spend, spend is what they want, but consumers can spend only so much when most of them have an income limit. It is an endless, vicious cycle.

CEO's, if you are reading this and ready for a change, contact me! I will be more than happy to talk.

Happy Opportunities!


Food Poisoning Saves Her Father's Life

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Here is a non-related real estate story I'm going to share with you. When I heard this, my jaw dropped to China. I'm not kidding. I went numb and my jaw dropped. It is not terribly long but...

I heard this story from a woman who was in my Landmark Forum seminar in Chicago March 2008. In case you have not heard of Landmark Education, it is a platform for Personal Growth and Development. You get to share a lot with other people. It is life transforming.

I'm keeping names out of this article for privacy reasons.

This woman called up her Dad to come over for dinner one evening. She went shopping and was going to cook dinner for him being all excited to have him over. If I recall correctly it was chicken. She was looking forward to spending a quiet evening and quality time with her father. They ate the food and he went home. She was happy her father enjoyed her cooking and the time they spent together.

The next morning, they talked on the phone. He had gotten food poisoning from the chicken and called in sick to work. Her reaction turned from being upset to grateful because her father called in sick to work. Her father was supposed to be the pilot for one of the planes that flew into the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11.

It still gives me the chills today when I think about it and as I write this article.

Tell the ones you love how much you truly love them!


Congratulations 2008 Winners Circle

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I never run out of information to blog about.
On last night's Nationwide Chairman Call, Co-founder Of Nouveau Riche, Bob "The General" Snyder announced the 2008 Winners Circle for Nouveau Riche.

1. Andre and Tami Popa

2. Chad Wade

3. Ben and Heather Echevarria

4. Stephen Gregg

5. Jason Nedrow

Andre Popa told his story of immigrating from Communist Romania struggling to live the American dream and how he over came that after joining NR. In December 2008 alone, these winners made $154,500.

Remember the economy is a matter of interpretation. We have what people want and deserve. An Income Opportunity and Real Estate as a retirement vehicle to build your wealth! Contact me to get started!

Collectively these 5 individuals agreed that this can be done with the right system. Nouveau Riche provides this system.

Congratulations to these 7 individuals and to those who made it happen for themselves in 2008. With the direction Nouveau Riche is headed in 2009, buckle in tight and hold on, this is going to be fun!


Van Halen - Across the Decades

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Back in early 1978 as Disco was popular in mainstream music melting the brains of rock 'n' rollers everywhere, along came Eddie Van Halen. When rock fans first heard this 1:42 amp blasting, face melting solo, rock guitar would never be the same again.

Turn this up if you love rock guitar!

As we entered 1984, Van Halen was ending an era with David Lee Roth and Eddie went on T.V. and showed David Letterman how rock guitar is played.

In 1985, Sammy Hagar joined Van Halen bringing years of experience resulting in Van Halen having their first number one album with 5150, released in '86. Every album with Sammy went to number one until his departure in 1996. He brought a new fan base and Van Halen became more popular than ever.

My favorite VH video - Released in 1991 on VH's For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge CD.

After a not so popular try with frontman Gary Cherone, VH took some time off until a reunion in 2004 with Sammy Hagar and 2007-2008 with Roth at the helm.

I know, I know, I'm a Van Halen music junkie. Everybody has their things in life they love. Music is food for the soul. It gives me positive energy.

What are some things in life you love having on daily basis?


Thank You Chad!

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I am personally writing this blog thanking and dedicating it to a wonderful mentor, Mr. Chad Wade. Nouveau Riche started out in 2000. Soon after Chad came aboard determined to change his life and the lives of other people.

Chad was making $40,000 a year pressing shirts in the back of a dry cleaners in his family business, never seeing his family due to long hours of managing the different locations. Chad saw NR and choose to take on his life.

He started in Utah were he resides opening that market. After a while, he came to Chicago and Florida, expanding his business marketing Nouveau Riche's education and college experience to provide people the SAME and EQUAL opportunity he was given. Chad is a man driven and passionate about helping others. He knows no other way.

After years of determination, hard work, smart thinking, being mentored by millionaires, and personal growth and development, Chad is the top income earner in NR. He is the Independent National Associate (INA) for Utah, Illinois and Florida.

To this day Chad has made close to (he may have eclipsed) $4 million dollars marketing Nouveau Riche's real estate investment education. That is a lot of business money to live a wonderful lifestyle and invest in real estate and sustain those investments. He makes money marketing our product and using our prodcut.

Earn While You Learn - He made money while learning to invest in real estate.

He was making $40,000. He has made $4,000,000. A significant growth in income. Chad never knew how to start and run a business or invest in real estate. He followed his mentors and is now a product of the product. He, along with others is making great money in this economy because we have what people income opportunity and real estate as a wealth vehicle for retirement.

Does anyone have a mentor they would like to say thank you to?

Thank you Chad!


Positive Energy

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What is the opposite of negative? Positive

One definition from Merriam-Webster:

8 a: having a good effect : favorable

This analogy is rarely used in society on a grand scale. There is so much of the opposite coming through the mainstream media causing people to become complacent and worried. Constant bombardment of negativity 24/7 from many news sources is keeping people from achieving their true potential because they beleive in this filtered medium.

Watch the news. The majority of the stories are so negative. Personally I don't know how these desk reporters do this day in and day out. I guess they consider it a job. (no comment)

Solution: Turn off the T.V., read more books, engage in personal growth and development. Learn from successful people and hang around them more. Believe me it rubs off on you and your mind shifts in a different direction. The feeling is so good! I personally have a lot more energy...positive energy!

I'm not saying to give up certain things you love to do. For example I still watch 24, but I engage the majority of my time doing things that assist in my personal and professional growth. That is my value belief.

Start having more positive energy and spread the great news!

Remember, most of the things people worry about never happen.

Are you ready to engage in positive energy and spread the news?


READ THIS! I implore you!

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I would like to personally thank ROBIN ROGERS for posting this article. Look her up and do business with her!


People need to understand the mindset of investors and how this actually works. To find out, contact me so I can sign you up for our real estate investment college and our premiere education. If you choose NOT to contact me to educate yourself further in the area of real estate investing, please DO NOT complain about this situation regarding real estate investors. None of us knew this until we became educated ourselves. The wealthy write the rules, when you know the rules, you can play the game.

My comments will be in bold text. Let's get started.

------------- ... Investors are swooping in and buying and accounting for most of the rise in sales. This is because we have the right education and the systems in place to move forward. Also we know real estate is the best investment.

"While the purchases are trimming the inventory of unsold properties, most of those bought by speculators will likely return to the market when prices rise again, hampering any recovery", said Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz and Yale University Professor Robert Shiller in interviews. The smart well-educated investor knows true long term wealth is through buy and hold. Most high powered investors will buy in bulk and rent them for a while. These properties CANNOT be re-introduced all at the same time into the market. They need to be slowly introduced back out into the market so it will not crash.

"We're creating a shadow inventory of homes that will be right back on the market as soon as the economy and the housing market begin to improve," said Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor of economics. "We could see a double-dip in the housing recession if that happens." They will not all be back on the market. See above comments. Also, if the economy improves then more people will be able to buy....right?

... The repossessed properties offer opportunities for investors, who typically buy homes at auction and rent them out until prices increase and they can sell. What myself and other investors like to do is buy low and sell them (if we sell and not rent) with equity still in the property to give the buyer the "instant equity." No need to greedy. Make it a win-win for all parties. I would rather sell it quick for less profit, then struggle to sell for NO PROFIT!

"These speculators are preventing the market from crashing now, and when they get out it could fall again." said Shiller, who helped create the S&P/Case Shiller real estate price indexes This is a possibility, but as I said earlier, intelligent investors who treat it as a business to help others can prevent this from happening. Besides with the state of the banks, only serious qualified buyers will purchase these homes. Others will rent keeping everything stable because the homes will be owned by those investors who can sustain the payments.

Dario Moscoso of San Diego bought a three-bedroom foreclosed house in San Diego three weeks ago for $490,000, half of what it would have fetched a year ago. He's renting it for $2,500 a month and plans to sell when prices rebound. "We hope to put it back on the market in about a year," Moscoso, 52, said in an interview. "We'll gauge the market and see how it goes." Don't hope...this is speculation right here. Rent it, cash flow, have the tenant pay down the mortgage and sell it when the time is right.

The "speculative fervor" is returning in the market in part because investors have the edge in buying foreclosures, said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Investors do have an edge, but there is no reason to buy-sell everything for a quick profit. Baker said he considered buying a Washington home at a foreclosure auction last year until he learned the terms of the sale. Winning bidders had to complete the deal within 30 days, half the time of a standard home purchase, or lose their deposits. It was a risk he didn't want to take. Awesome!! He should have taken advantage of this. He didn't do it because he was not properly prepared for it. Part of the system to do this is having private money lenders ready to invest and a team in place to ensure a quality closing to meet the deadline. Having this in place MITIGATES risk! Does not eliminate, but mitigates.

"Regular homebuyers are excluded from the foreclosure market because the rules favor professional investors and that lack of competition is driving down prices," Baker said. Ahhhhhhhhhh NO! The proper education, and ANYONE can do what we do. Even if you do not want to invest, educate yourself so you can compete. I do not know how any more clear I can be!

"In past housing recessions, we didn't see as many mortgages under water, so it didn't matter if the focus was on speed and not on maximizing value," Stiglitz said. "Now, the same banks that created the problems by mismanaging their risk are mismanaging the disposal of their assets." That depends who is buying the assets. If you sell to the proper qualified individuals, the banks risk is mitigated as well.

"If you're a first-time buyer with a young family, do you really want to buy a home sight unseen and risk losing your down payment?" What? This is not the way to do it unless you are experienced. Homeowners buy on emotion and need to see the property. Investors look at numbers. Big difference! Stewart said, minutes before starting a foreclosure auction in Boston. "Investors know how to close a deal quickly and they don't care what it looks like -- they're either going to rent it or flip it." ------------ True. It depends on the investor and what they want to do. They may flip to another investor who loves buy and hold. It is a game and it is up to the investor and their business model of what they do. It is not rocket science.

So lenders and investors are conspiring to ice home buyers out of the market and slow down the housing market recovery? I do not agree with this. Investors may be doing lease options with their tenants, selling the property in 2 or 3 years to them. It all depends on the investor's strategy and business model.

This seems strange to me, since I work with so many residential investors. They're having trouble getting mortgage programs at a decent interest rate and have to put down at least 20%. Smart investors will have private money in place to buy all cash or buy 'subject to.' There's no FHA or VA program for investors except on VA repos. Last fall, I had one investor--active-duty military--meet all the qualifications for a VA vendee loan, but Ocwen still required 20% down instead of the low down payment advertised. He forfeited his application fee. There are no traditional investor mortgage progragrams for governement loans. Be creative and learn form us!

I suppose investors could find cash or hard money to buy properties at auction vs. trying to get a mortgage. But how does rehabbing and/or renting a house--improving a neighborhood and offering a home to someone who can't afford to buy--contribute to the downfall of our society? It doesn't. If people knew how to manage their money, it would not be an issue. If prices rise again, they would have to rise quite a bit to cover the acquisition and rehab costs. Nope. They factor in all of these upfront based on how much they want to make in the end. If it does not work, they move on to the next one. And if the investor has good tenants in the property, why would they want to sell anyway? Again, this depends on their business model. The current investor may want cash now and sell it to an investor who likes buy and hold.

Should lenders sell their properties only to home buyers? No! Not a chance. Should investors be charged a premium for buying residential real estate? No! Not a chance. And is it true that investors don't even want to look at the properties they bid on? Yes! The numbers determine our decision along with what our strategy is. We put in place UPFRONT a system to make it work.


Learn to invest and how the game is played! Contact me to change your way of thinking or accept what is going on and don't complain about it!

Are you ready to learn from successful real estate investors?


***Remarks I received from another site.

Thank you Tony for the well thought out strategies! Looks to me like investors will save this market.

01/13/2009 12:46 PM
by Akron Ohio Homes for Sale. David M. Childress (Howard Hanna Real Estate Services)
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So if my comment has two or more sentences, do you make two paragraphs?! LOL. You truly did a good job going through that article and pointing out the academics vs some realities.

01/13/2009 01:01 PM
by Heath Coker, Real Estate Broker ( & Cape Group Real Estate)
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I have worked with a few investors/groups and I feel that the newer one's don't really know what they are doing.. The one's that have been at this for a while have been through the ups and downs and really have a great feel for the market and what to do in these tough times. I have an investor that I call when ever I am in a situation that I don't have a good answer for and he always comes through for me.. The newer one's always seem to be looking for an opportunity and don't have much to offer... The true investor will help us out of this market while the others will only help themselves... That is just my view on this..

01/13/2009 01:04 PM
by Michael E. Walsh (RA) AHWD (Abe Lee Realty, LLC)
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Thanks Tony for that great blog and your great startegies! I hope you have a great day!

01/13/2009 01:10 PM
by James Engel KW Beverly Hills (Keller Williams Realty Beverly Hills)
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